Scary Ghost Clips
This is one of our scary ghost clips "I see dead people." - The Sixth Sense (1999)
and this ghost video was taken at a paranormal investigation of a Pig Farm in Wisconsin. It really should be classified as an EVP, but it is long enough and visually interesting enough to be placed in this section. To those not living in the midwest, a Pig Farm may not seem like very scary place, nor a likely spot for hauntings. There certainly aren't many ghost videos that cover this. But the midwest are my old stompin' grounds and let me tell you, some of those farm houses can be pretty old. People settled in that area as much as 200 years ago, and while you UK'ers might think that was just yesterday, that's pretty old for the United States. Old enough for gravestones to become illegible due to years of weather and erosion. Old enough to predate modern conveniences, reaching back to the era of the covered wagon. And old enough to be etched with the memories of lifetime after lifetime of the hard working people who settled in that area to become the backbone of America's agricultural community. I would imagine that a farm would be an excellent place to find a ghost, if you think about it. A person spends his whole life toiling to work his land, always watching over it. It is the latter that could possibly keep a farmer or his wife on the property long after it was time to put up the livestock. On this spooky footage, you get to hear what distinctly sounds like the voice of someone from the great pasture beyond . . .Okay, we'll stop with the farm metaphors. Take a look at one of our scary ghost clips now: The Pig Farm Whispers from Most Haunted, Wisconsin.
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