Story Contest
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Short Story Contest

We’re having another short story contest starting now!

Write a great ghost story and submit it to us. You could win! Entry is free. Use the form below for submission.

Prize: Publication in our upcoming e-magazine and mention on our site. There will definitely be one winner, but depending on the number of entries, we may allow runners up for this contest.

Deadline for entries will be Midnight (PST), October 1, 2011

The Rules:
(Subject to change without notice)

1. The work must be a short story. 10,000 words or less.

2. All works remain under your ownership, and you maintain full copyright.

3. All works must be a ghost story.

4. Spooky is about as dark and edgy as we get. Please, no gore, sex or violence.

5. Expression of one's spirituality is wonderful, and encouraged, however, nothing that violates or endangers religious freedom will be accepted.

6. Anything that incites hatred, racism, cruelty or works to harm anyone will not be accepted. This includes hatred or harm of self.

7. Respect of others (and self) is mandatory.

8. All stories must be literate. Do not submit a ghost story riddled with typographical or grammatical errors.

9. There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.

10. Vulgar language will not be allowed.

11. This is very important. When you submit a ghost story, we assume that you own the rights to such work and that you are not violating anyone else's rights. Anyone found to be stealing another's work in any way will be rejected and banned from any future contests.

12. We're sorry, but all stories must be written in English. It's merely a matter of mechanics.

13. By submitting your story to our contest, you agree that you are granting permission to Ghostsandstories.com and its staff to publish your work in their magazine. You attest that you own the rights to the work and irrevocably grant publication and distribution rights to Ghostsandstories.com to be marketed as deemed appropriate by them.

14. By submitting your story to our contest, you are attesting that you are of legal age to enter and grant rights to us.

15. All stories must be in either Word (.doc) format or Text (.txt). If we cannot open your document, it will be deleted without notification.

Use the form below to begin your entry.

NOTE: Once you complete the form and click submit, you will be informed where to email your story. Please do not skip the step of emailing your story or your entry will be nullified.

Contest Submission Form
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail Address*
Web Site URL
Street Address*
Zip/Postal Code*
Date of birth.*
Title of Your Story*

Please enter the word that you see below.


Don't forget to opt-in to the ezine so you can read the winning entries!

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Enter your First Name (optional)

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I promise to use it only to send you Phantasm Magazine.

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