Look at these videos and see what you think. Feel free to comment and put your rating on them!
Ghost Videos: Bijou Theater Ghost (Knoxville, TN)

I was on an official investigation with the East Tennessee Paranormal Research Society in Knoxville, TN on July 22nd, 2006. I captured what I consider ...
Ghost Video - Haunted Restaurant
in Minnesota

This video was sent in from Katt, who describes herself below. Katt, you're very entertaining. This was really fun to watch! - Brenda, Webmaster
Katt ...
Ghost Videos - Ectoplasm from Burlington County Prison

This is a video excerpt from a feature documentary about the Burlington County Prison in Mount Holly, New Jersey.
During the investigation, a strange ...
EVP: Quiet

About three weeks ago from today I did an EVP session in the living room, it was about...half past 2. I sat there for a good 15 minutes, and then I left....
Rialto Stairway Ghost photo debunked by NOPS

N.O.P.S. guys debunk a photograph that was posted on the web of being an apparition of a woman with a long dress floating at the midway section of the ...
Ghost Boy Video

I looped this three times so that you may see the boy apparition better.
All team members are downstairs at the time this footage was shot. This was ...
Means Family House Investigation

This video was created by Shadowman Productions. It is a twenty three minute-long account of Estill Paranormal Research's investigation of the Means Family ...
K2 Meter Appears to Detect Interaction with Ghosts

If you grab yourself a K2 meter, it works on the same principal as an EMF detector - in fact it is one - but supposedly, the K2 meter is an interactive ...
Local Occurrences - Ghost Hunt!

We made a video of what it would be like for a local access show to try to film a ghost hunt during the daytime. The host doesn't want to go at night ...
Security Ghost Video

This security ghost video was captured at a location that is situated next to a cemetery and is presented by www.markapsalon.com.
The footage is "time-...
Ghost EVP

This is a ghost EVP by Paranormal Research Scotland.
The EVP was caught on video that as taken under the orlop deck on the HMS Frigate. They are not ...

It looks like the NJPR, New Jersey Paranormal Research may have caught an apparition on film.
Their website is www.nnjpr.org and you can read a write ...
Ghost Captured on Video

This selection made national news as a ghost captured on video.
A young man traveled abroad and was filming his vacation with his camera. He claims,...
Pray for Morning

This is a movie I found searching the web it's really good, or seems so. --Janet
Well, Janet I watched your trailer. It does seem scary, although ...
Lupton House Ghost?

Hey Guys! This video is from Hidden Realms. I like the way they slowed it down and gave a close up. It might still be dust, but it seems like it might ...
Mist on Camera

This video was submitted to YouTube by "avictor2006".
It is supposedly an apparition and appears to us to be some sort of mist. The owner makes no ...
EVP - Lost Research Society

Lost Research Society is a group that researches and documents the paranormal, urban legends, and myths. They specialize in paranormal research that contains ...
EVP from Building

This was caught in the second floor of a building. We are not sure what it is saying. One group believes that it is saying "What is your name. Another ...
Ghost Caught on CCTV

The alarm was tripped in the middle of the night at the Twisters restaurant in Williams Arizona. On looking at the surveillance tape, A white translucent ...
Ghost Children in our Basement

Title says it all!

The below was submitted by an unidentified visitor.
Perhaps it was John Anthony, who made it.
Apparently he is having problems with uninvited ...
Ghost Apparitions Videos

The Oxford Parnormal Society presents this footage that we add to our collection of ghost apparitions videos.
It is footage from an investigation that ...
Malaysia Ghost Research Video

Wow. This video is awesome. I found it on YouTube and it was created by Malaysia Ghost Research at www.cikguaugustine.net/ghostresarch.
There is an ...
Spirit Of Mary Miller Jason Caught On Tape By Tourist

I like this one. I think it is really spooky. I'm not really sure if it's real, though.
Voicemail EVP

My wife received this message on her voicemail confirming a timeshare vacation at a Sheraton resort in Orlando. The call seems to end as soon as the woman ...
More from the OGRS! Queen Anne House Evidence

More info is on the way! The video kind of speaks for itself.
EVP at Denny Abbey

Kind of a creepy video we found. It is by Spirit Finders and was taken at Denny Abbey.
There is an EVP that I can't personally make out, but the scenes ...
Scary Ghost Video

I am a fan of your videos, I found one you might like. It's pretty scary, I think.
Shadow Being Caught on Tape

During their investigation of St. Paul's UCC in Erie the group caught 3 phenomena on camera at about the same time.
This is the shadow person in camera ...
ghost caught on 3D anaglyph video

Using two Canon TX-1s configured for 3D anaglyph. I capture what appears to be a haunted Edison Diamond Disk player (patents 1903-1916), official laboratory ...
Possible Paranormal Ghost Video

This one is a bit creepy and does seem to be a paranormal ghost video.
A lady is having trouble with her TV being turned on and off and grabs an EVP ...
Ghost Stories Video

Ghost Image in Haunted Hotel by scaryblip
This is a ghost stories video I found. It's about a ghost in a hotel.
St. Bathans is ...
Paranormal Ghost Videos

Touted as one of the most authentic paranormal ghost videos on the net, this footage has been around awhile, but we're just now getting around to putting ...
Ghost on Video

This "ghost" on video came out last year. It was captured at a gas station and made national news.
The news clip states that it's origins are unexplained,...
Malaysia Ghost Research Video #2

This is by Malaysia Ghost Research, too. They can be found at www.cikguaugustine.net/ghostresarch. This is one that is called a Dragon Vortex.
The ...
The Camp Oroville Incident: Demonic Possession

The footage you are about to see was found in Oroville, California (Northern) in the Summer of June, 2007 by a local on a hiking trip.
Since 1980, one ...
Ozarks Ghost Research Society's investigation of a day spa

As you'll see in the videos this investigation was ripe with paranormal proof. From EVP's, strange shadowy figures and simply odd experiences we captured ...
Lemp Mansion, St. Louis, Mo

One of the 9 most haunted places in America, by pauliborracho. This is very well done.
Ghost Videos: Strange Phenomenon in Woodland Opera House

My friend, Ray Tarara, and I were able to conduct three paranormal investigations at the Woodland Opera House over the span of two years. The place has ...
Debunking "Scary Ghost Video"

Eric from Valley Village submitted this video, which is a response to another video called Scary Ghost Video. He breaks down the EVP pretty well here.
Ghosts of New Orleans

This is a haunted history of New Orleans. It's by jetsetshow.
Ghosts Of New Orleans
Lakeside Cemetery Investigation

HPI did an investigation at a cemetery in Folsom, CA., and caught this EVP in this video recording. The same EVP was also caught on a digital audio recorder....
Ghost Hunting Video

Prove It! Paranormal Investigations presents this video of the Magnolia Manor. See what you make of it.
We get that video is being shot of the Manor,...
Anomaly on Film

Here is the full screen shot of Cam 4 closeup of the strange light anomaly as it slowly glides down the hall. While it seems to take the shape of a bat,...
Ghost Apparition Video

This is a ghost apparition video by Crypticmedia.
We're showing it to you for it's creepy quality. The film is murky and grainy and the apparition appears ...
Ghost Hounds Investigation EVP

Investigators record several EVPs at theater in Fairburn, Ga.
Shadow Person Ghost Videos
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We went into a canyon behind my home called the Devil's Soupbowl to try and engage entities which are rumored to live there. That same evening this video ...
Water Stream Ghost
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Not a REAL ghost, obviously, but pretty freaking looking.
Ectoplasm from Burlington County Prison
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This is a video excerpt from a feature documentary about the Burlington County Prison in Mount Holly, New Jersey.
During the investigation,...
Linda Vista Hospital EVP
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We're back at it, looking for footage on the Net, we came across this. It's video footage from a Linda Vista Hospital paranormal investigation.
There ...
Updated Jackie the Talking Ghost Video
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Nineteen years ago legendary psychic Peter James spoke to Jackie the Queen Mary Ghost child for the first time. Now after nineteen years Jackie the Queen ...
Ghost Soldier in Iraq
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The Fort Riley Ghost Hunting Team presents what appears to be an authentic ghost solider on tape.
Take a look:
EVP Voices from an Investigation
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This video is from a state prison investigation. As they are walking through a supposedly abandoned building, you can hear voices and a laugh. It startles ...
Moonville Tunnel Ghost
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These videos were found of the Moonville Tunnel Ghost which is the ghost story about a train tunnel in Southeast Ohio. The first video, an EVP, gives details ...
Ghost Video: Provoking a Spirit
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In this footage, the investigator is seen provoking a spirit. In the replay, a shadow is seen falling down the wall.
Waverly Hills Video
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Waverly Hills has been claimed to be one of the most haunted locations in America and the below depicts it.
In the mid twentieth century, it was a ...
Ghosts of Gloucester
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This is a bit uneventful when it comes to actual paranormal evidence, but we did think it was an interesting clip of a show called, "Ghosts of Gloucester....
Haunted Pics
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Oooooooo. Here's some spooky haunted pics. Lots of faces and images of supposed apparitions. This is just for fun to keep you scared late at night. Most ...
Spook Hill Explained
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This one isn't paranormal, it's just fun and interesting. Ever hear about those "spook hills" where cars roll uphill instead of down? Well this video is ...
EVP from Slave Quarters at Old Plantation Home
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This is an evp from an investigation done in the slave quarters of Magnolia Manor, an old plantation home that is now a Bed and Breakfast. If you watch,...
Another Ghost Hunting Video
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This is a ghost hunting video of one of those times when researches attempt to provoke a spirit. There are two faint knocks after he askes, "Can you knock ...
Spooky Ghost Video
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We selected this spooky ghost video recently, although it was published by Acidentertainment.com about a year ago.
It is footage of a paranormal investigation ...
Ghost Spirits Video
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The author of this video hears children playing the basement and goes to investigate with a flashlight and video camera.
You can actually hear the ...
Ghost Pictures
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This is a video of ghost pictures. I've seen these pictures in different places here and there, but someone put these togther in a video. Thanks to 1plexxelp1 ...