You have wandered into the most thrilling chamber in this haunted place, because this is the place where you can share your own ghostly experiences.
I remember the first time I saw a ghost. I thought to myself, "Charles, you have most certainly taken leave of your senses." But as the intensity and frequency of the visitations increased, I ascertained that I was being haunted by not one, but many phantoms.
Uh oh! I shouldn't have said that. Now the new guy is pounding on the ceiling!
Your experience is welcome here provided it is non-violent in nature and does not disrespect anyone. In addition to real ghost stories, those of you who have a talent for inking unnerving, bone-rattling fiction stories, we want you to share them with us.
There are a great many masters who wrote ghost stories to mesmerize and terrify their audiences. It would be a pleasure to give audience to budding talent and provide an outlet for their work.
However, fact or fiction, we do require that all submissions be articulate, well-written, and grammatically correct. Submissions that contain phrases like "r u 4 real?" or "i m watching u" will cause your submission to be rejected. Likewise, stories that are all lower case or all upper case could be rejected.
I've got to run. I need to teach that lad how to be more subtle . . . rookies!
Click below to read spooky stories from our visitors. Read, rate and comment these ghost stories!
Forever Cardinal Bound

In '05 after a tragic accident involving our school's marching band (FOREVER CARDINAL BOUND!) weird things started happening.
My sister was at school ...
Seance In The Graveyard

I was 19 years old, oh so many years ago. Much smarter too, so I thought. This was the late sixties and a small group of people I knew thought they were ...
Ghost Stories-Personal Encounters

What I'm about to share with you is 100% the truth, let's begin my story.
My boyfriend and I were living with my mother and step father at their house ...
Supernatural Experience - A Very Bad Girl

I live in a house in NJ that was built in the 1970s. My family and I have always believed that our house was haunted due to several occurrences that have ...
Traveling Ghosts

There is a particular strange ghost story that has been seen increasingly throughout Oregon, specifically along various highways.
Who these ghosts ...
Ghost Encounter: Solid Black Figure in Woods

I was taking a nature walk pretty deep in the woods on a mulched trail, with bare trees all around. It is mid March here, and the trees are still bare,...
Ghost in My Apartment

I was living in Garland, Texas with my girlfriend and roommate. As they went to the other apartment to bring our stuff over, I was alone in the new apartment....
Ghost Legends of Virginia

The Wythe House is supposedly haunted. The story is strange indeed. It started with a breezy summer's night. The Governor of Virginia had presented an ...
Haunted Hotel

I have always had an interest in ghosts but never seen one myself. This site got me thinking about an event that happened to my friend and I so I thought ...
My Ghostly Ancestor

My name is Laurie and when I turned 21 I divorced my husband and I went to stay with my mom in Tennessee with my then 4 year old son. One night
I was ...
Is This the Ghost of My Mom?

Back on September 1, 2009, I had found out that my mother had died in a fatal car accident in Michigan. I am in the military and I am from Washington. So ...
Growing Up in a Haunted House

The house I grew up in was haunted. I am the youngest child of six and all of my siblings agree that the house was haunted. None of the other siblings ...
My Haunted House in Waterford, Ireland

We had a spare room for a while upstairs in my house so my dad decided to use it as an office and a place to store his old records and everything.
Every ...
Haunted Farm House in Wooster Ohio

I lived in a farmhouse for 3 years; it was about 6 miles south of Wooster on Jefferson Rd. I really could go on for hours about all the things I witnessed ...
Ghostly Happenings: An Eerie Evening in a Mansion Attic

Friends of the close to 100-year-old mansion loved holding their Halloween parties in this beautiful old former senator's home. It had always been fun,...
Haunted Mental Health Hospital in Virginia

The building was built in 1892. It was originally a school until it was converted to a mental health facility in the early 1900's. It's now abandoned. The ...
Ghost in the house - I Need Help Now

My grandson has just turned three years old. Last week my daughter heard him screaming and crying at the top of the landing (she was downstairs).
When ...
Hitchhiker Ghost

While I was in college, pre-Onstar days, I worked for a lock smith company. My job was primarily to unlock cars for people had locked their keys in their ...
Scary Story - The Strangest Jigsaw Puzzle

This really scary story is called The Strangest Jigsaw Puzzle.
Ghosts and Hauntings: It's A Family Affair

My family is no different from any other "normal, albeit slightly maladjusted" family that lives in Anytown, USA. We just happen to have a few more "restless"...
I Have Seen Ghosts

I have never thought that I would ever encounter the supernatural in my life. But when I did, it affected me so much, and changed my whole perspective ...
Arkansas Ghost Story

I have so many stories I don't know where to begin. One of the most fascinating, in my opinion, happened in Scotland, TX, when my son, Jacob, was five ...
Civil War Ghost

The American Civil War was one of the bloodiest, deadliest wars in American history. These are some of the Civil War ghost our visitors have encountered.
Scary Ghost Stories

Some encounters are frightening, the memory of which never leaves. These are scary ghost stories that will haunt you.
Children Ghosts

Sometimes little ones become ghosts, too. Sometimes playful, sometimes creepy, these stories about children ghosts are guaranteed to scare.
Shadow People

These are stories of encounters with shadow people.
My Children See Dead People at Night

This just started yesterday. Last night my son woke up at 3 am and had seen two ghosts. He described them as one having a eye on top of his head and the ...
Haunted Dolls

Very weird stories about haunted dolls, haunted toys and other haunted objects.
The Afterlife and Friends

Sometimes friends reach out from the afterlife.
War Ghost

These stories are about haunted war locations or a war ghost.
Haunted Room

It's happened to everyone. Noises in the dark that you cannot explain. Something grips your shoulder and you know you're not alone. These stories take place in a haunted room.
Ouija Board Stories

Read Ouija board stories - these people really think they got something!
Women Ghost

Stories about women ghost, ladies in white and other spooky girls.
Southern Ghost Stories

Here are some Southern ghost stories, or tales that take place in the South.
Animal Ghost Stories

Some people really love their pets and some pets come back. These are some animal ghost stories for our pet lovers.
New Orleans Ghost Stories

The Big Easy is located in the deep South. It's mossy, steamy and atmospheric. These are some spooky New Orleans ghost stories to help make your evening even scarier.
Men Ghost

What is it about walking into a dark room, to find a man in the corner? A dead man. These are terrifying encounters with men ghosts.
Ghost Sighting - Need Help

Folks, this story was submitted by an individual who truly believes he saw a ghost. He is asking questions and advice. Please read his story and give ...
Haunted Motion Lights

My story begins in a house located in Omaha, NE, about 9 years ago. A few weeks before my sixteenth birthday, my family moved to a new house. I really ...
The Picture of Death

April 2002 I visited my mother in Pennsylvania as she was sick with lung cancer. While I was there I decided to go to the what is known as "The Horseshoe ...
Ghost Story: My Grandparents First Home

I'm originally from the US, more specifically Virginia. My grandmother told me this when I was young. It always scared the crap out of me because I know ...
feeding frenzi

On a cold winter night I worked to look at the clock and realized there was still time for more rest so I decided go down the stairs to drink some water....
Ghost Story: Honey, I'm alright!

It was 3:30 in the morning. I lay awake in my bed with only the sound of the ceiling fan to keep me company. Ever since my husband enlisted, I've suffered ...
Who is This Ghost and What Does He Want

We bought the house in 1995 on August 23. Ironically, we got possession of the house on my husband's birthday and the house number is also 23.
The ...
Ghosts and Demons

This is something that haunts me today. Coming from a religious background, I can say I do believe and I have lived it. Growing up in a home with a parent ...
Paranormal Happenings

I have lived in a haunted house my entire life. When I was very young there was always a feeling of unimaginable fear in the rear part of the house. Many ...
Conversing with the Boy Ghost

My experience took place at my friend's house as I slept on his couch. All I can tell you is what I remember. This is my one and only ghostly experience....
The Ghost in My House

When I was young, I was never a serious believer in the supernatural. In fact, I was extremely skeptical about the very existence of ghosts themselves....
Haunting Experience - The Man in the Hat

I was ten when I say my first ghost . . .
I was in the Philippines. There was a brown out, or as people there call it, a brown out. I wanted all the ...
Haunted House for Sale

This is creepy, trust me.
I was looking for a new house to buy when I spotted it with my wife. It was a lovely house with a view to die for and when ...
Cemetery Road

Melissa looked up at the sign on the corner of her new street: Cemetery Road. At the end of the block she could see the cemetery--row after row of tombstones ...
Paranormal Experience

These are from people who have had a paranormal experience. Frightening, creepy and very real.
Ghost Sightings - Family Members

Many times, family members will come back to contact the family. These ghost sightings are stories of such encounters.
Bad Spirits

We've all heard of bad spirits - these people have encountered them!
Poltergeist Activity

Things are moving and it's not happening at your own will. What could that be? These are stories of poltergeist activity.
The Morning Walk

Though I cannot take the full credit of what I will be writing+, +the incident is still alive within me and still makes me feel uncomfortable about the ...

One time there was a lady that was very nice.Her name was Maria.One day she fell in love with a man that was a cow boy.Since she was one of the most prettiest ...
Confronting the Ghost

What happened to me was real. You know what they say about toddlers having the ability to see ghosts? Well, way back when my son was just 1 year old, I ...
Awakening to a Ghost

We have cats and dogs but the cats sleep outside unless the weather is bad. One of them slept in last night and at 4 am my husband nudged me and said the ...
Time of the Supernatural

I sat with my two best friends John and Chris in the park, eating a fantastic picnic that we had made. It was so delicious and the sun had come out to ...
Ghosts and Hauntings: The Unexpected Grandmother

I was about five years of age. I did not know about the after life and such things called ghosts. I thought it must be made up or something like a way ...
Texas Haunted Houses

Everything's bigger in Texas, even the legends and ghost stories. These are stories about Texas haunted houses.
Ghost Train Stories

A story or two about a ghost train or haunted train station.
Supernatural Events

There are times when reality is too real. There are things that happen that you cannot explain. These stories are about supernatural events.
Abdallah, the Deaf child and the Ghost

My name is Slim G. I am 31. I am a fine arts student living in a small village in the North of Tunisia. My home is very far from the university which forced ...

These are tales from what could be psychics, clairvoyants.
Ghost Named Matilda

I use to work at a telecommunications company in a northern suburb about 3 years ago. I never heard of any unusual stories of the building in the year ...
Birthday Visit - Was It a Ghost?

My cousin B (I'm leaving his name out in respect for my aunt) died in a car wreck about a year and a half ago at the age of 20!
It's always a really ...
Kentucky Ghost Stories

Some really scary Kentucky ghost stories here. Enjoy!
Haunted Places in Illinois

These stories about haunted places in Illinois. Who'd have thought the Midwest would be such a scary place?
Get to bed!!

Last night my two youngest spent the night at one of their uncle's place, after a great time with the younger uncle at the carnival.
My husband and ...
In The Mirror
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Well, we lived in an old house at Trenton, New Jersey. It dated back to the 1800s. One day, my mother asked her boyfriend to go and look up in the attic....
That house was haunted!
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As a young single mother in need of a place to stay I came upon a room for rent in an fairly old five bedroom house. There were two bedrooms downstairs ...
The Unknown Woman
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When we were kids, we often heard stories from relatives and maids about people walking, talking or playing on the staircase. Well, as a kid, I would naturally ...
The Outskirts Of Town
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I'm pretty sure a lot of you have heard of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" with the headless horseman and all that crazy stuff...yeah so that's where I'm ...
A True Ghost Story
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I was round my Nan's house and many people agree that it is haunted. I was sleeping on the sofa when I woke up for no reason. I was alone and I heard a ...
The Dark Voice
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My buddy Ace and I were hanging out at this house on a Friday night. We were partying a bit, and Ace starts to tell me about this encounter he had with ...
Animal Ghost
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My ghostly encounter took place about 10 years ago. I was a police officer working for a small city PD. I was working the midnight shift. Typically the ...
creepy moments
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We used to live in an apartment in Toronto. It was early 2009. My three year old son and I were taking our daytime nap in the bedroom around the afternoon ...
Night Creeper
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I've written about the experiences I've had in the house I'm currently living before and submitted them to this website. Since I've submitted that first ...
A Walking Ghost
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There were days I would see this young man living and breathing on the streets here in Phoenix, Arizona. I would see him daring the car drivers to hit ...
Ghost Stories: Torture For Nala
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When my family moved in to an house in San Francisco, we heard, saw, and knew of strange things that occurred there. Most important of all, we have a ...
The ghost I named Daniel
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When we first moved into our house not much happened. Mum and I both believe in ghosts but at the time I wasn't very good at feeling peoples' energies....
Ghost at 3:30 A.M.
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I went to honeymoon with my wife and we were staying in a doom which is located separately from the resort. It was heavily raining the day we arrived. After ...
Ghost Story from Derry Nothern Ireland
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There was an old building site around the back of my house. There was a barn house and a huge field too. I went up there with my friend and entered the ...
Haunted Inn

Experience in a haunted inn and in haunted hotels.
Paranormal Ghost Stories

Those seekers of paranormal ghost stories, will find these selections particularly chilling.
Haunted House Horror

Haunted house horror is terrifying tales that take place in a haunted house.