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True Ghost Stories

If you are looking for ghost stories, you've come to the right place. This page is for True Ghost Stories, which are those tales that are true or appear to be true.

There is something about the "ring" that occurs when you hear the real thing. There is almost a tangible feeling you get when you hear something credible, especially when it's a ghost story. The plausibility, the feasibility of it, can cause strong reactions. This is where goosebumps come from.

Authentic stories are sought after by ghost fans. Die hard fans prefer realism, and the more real, the better.

To better help our visitors find the type of stories they prefer, we've added this page to contain those stories that seem to be true ghost stories. Please read, review and rank these stories as you do on other pages of our site.

If you have a story of your own, please submit it! We'd love to hear from you.

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Ghost Stories from Our Visitors

Click below to read spooky stories from our visitors. Read, rate and comment these ghost stories!

My Haunted Apartment in Brampton  starstarstarstarstar
My name is Emily and I have lived in my apartment for 10 years.

Ever since I moved in strange things have happened. When I first moved in I saw a black ...

Ghosts: Living with Uncle Bob  starstarstarstar
My wife and I are renting a very small home (one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen) that our homeowners insurance company tells us was ...

Spooked in a County Jail in Washington state.  starstarstarstar
I was in a county jail as a prisoner in Spokane, Washington in Febuary 1970. I was in a jail cell with another prisoner for a few days who got out shortly ...

The Capital Ghost  starstarstar
On March 29, 1911, A huge fire happened at the Capital Building in New York. Two people were killed, including a librarian and a custodian.

I visited ...

Forever Watching  Not rated yet
Growing up, ghost stories were usually a Halloween or stormy night thing. Little did I know my first summer job would involve an encounter with a true ...

Haunted Nursing Home  Not rated yet
There are quite a few things that have happened to me since I started at this nursing home. We have quite a few tricksters that love to linger in your ...

Strange "Visitors" As My Uncle Was Dying  Not rated yet
I have two incidents to share. Before these things happened I was a total materialist, when you die you die, nothing remains, etc. Now I am not so sure....

Stained Closets and a Ghost  Not rated yet
Hey everyone! My name is Kaitlynn. I'm the daughter of GySgt (Gunnery Sergeant) Brian Hill. This past summer, I was visiting my Daddy Brian and my mom ...

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