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Ghosts of Okinawa

by Dustin
(Okinawa, Japan)

I am currently serving in the United States Air Force at Kadena Air Force Base, Okinawa, Japan. It is a lovely place and the local people are the nicest my wife and I have ever met. Soon after arriving in late 2004, we began to realize that Okinawa has an extremely haunted history. During World War II, the Battle of Okinawa took place here. It was said to be one of the bloodiest battles of the Pacific. After the war was over many ghost sightings have occurred throughout the years. Many believe them to be spirits of dead soldiers and civilians that died throughout the battle. My wife and I had heard about this and never really thought about it until we witnessed an apparition. This island is haunted!! Let me explain.

My wife and I have lived on Kadena Air Base for four years without any troubles. We have traveled the island and explored everything we can. We live right beside the Olympic shopette on base. I would say within 50 feet. We would walk while pushing our son in his stroller one to two times a week over to the shopette to get random items, or just to get out of the house out of pure boredom. To get to the shopette, we walk beside a treeline of Jungle for about 50 feet. We usually like to walk at night because of the cool breeze. Occasionally you would see the Okinawan bats flapping around at night and hear them screeching. This never bothered us. Tonight was a different story. My hands are still shaking while writing this on the keyboard. We are very afraid of what we just saw. We walked over to the shopette around 9:00 p.m. like we normally do. On the way back, we were walking next to the Jungle treeline and something caught our eye. We thought a person was standing there in the brush. We looked and sure enough it was. We figured it was a local maybe farming some land out in the jungle. We got to looking and the person was not moving. We pushed the stroller closer and realized it was an apparition. There was an old Okinawan man in a Straw Hat with drooping jowls staring at us blankly, not moving. Only... this is hard to say... he had no body. It was just shadowy mass. The jungle was right behind him. My wife and I just stared in disbelief of what we were seeing. His head then faded away. He did not just back into the jungle, the head just disappeared. Right then and there! It faded. We ran home pushing the stroller as fast as we could and locked the door behind us.

My wife is still shaken from it. We never believed in ghosts. Now I see why this place has a reputation for being haunted. I am now a believer in the afterlife. I will never walk past that spot again.

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Point du Hoc Cliffs

by Krystal
(Upland, CA, USA)

I went on a trip to France with a group of friends and we went to visit the sites of D-Day on the beaches of Normandy. One of the sites we went to was Point du Hoc which stands on a cliff. On this cliff you are still able to see where the bombs landed and you can still see the remains of the German bunkers. A friend and I decided to go explore the bunkers. Some are completely caved in and some are still intact. The last bunker we came to was strange to us because it was still intact but unlike the other ones it didn't have any lights so you couldn't see much of the inside. In the main room you were able to see because of the light coming from outside. I went in and I saw that the main room opened up to two other rooms. The one on the right was pitch black while the other one on the left you could see a little less than half of it because there was hole that allowed some light to come in.

I told my friend to go out and see if she could find dry twigs so we could make a torch. when she left I heard noises coming from the room, so I went to check it out. What I saw shocked me.

From the dark side of the room, on the floor, I saw a shadow coming and it seemed to be coming towards me. I could see the perfect outline of a human and I could see it was wearing a hat. I couldn't move and could only stare. Then I heard my friend coming and I started to call her. When I turned to look at the shadow on the floor it was going back to the darkside of the room and I couldn't see it anymore. After that I now believe that the ghosts of dead soldiers are still there.

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The Woods of War

by Ashley H
(Stillwater, NY, USA)

When I was thirteen, I lived in my great-grandfather's old farmhouse near Schuylerville, which is where the turning point of the American Revolution, The Battle of Saratoga took place. My sister, cousin and I were playing softball in the field in our backyard, when all of a sudden our dog raced into the woods. At first, we thought nothing of it because he always went into the woods, but something about the way that he stayed in the woods for that long of a time scared us. When we looked into a clearing of the woods, we saw a man petting our dog. The man had on an old Revolutionary War uniform, it was blue but it was also ragged. Then, the mystery man disappeared but he was still petting our dog. After that incident, I was so scared to even go into the woods for few days.

The next week, I had to go in the woods with my older cousin to get a ball that was thrown in there, when we heard voices. They didn't seem to be saying anything in English but we heard it loud and clear as if they were standing right in front of us. Since it was our private woods, nobody was allowed to go in them and we also knew that nobody else, except us of course, had even gone into the woods. That same night, I went into the woods without anybody else. At first I didn't hear anything but then I saw a horse running towards me but after it disappeared, I realized it wasn't one of our horses, because they were in the barn and none of our neighbors owned one.

It’s been almost five years since then and I haven’t been back since.

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Ghosts of WWII

by Krystal
(Upland, CA,USA)

I went on a trip to France with a group of friends and we went to visit the sites of D-Day on the beaches of Normandy. One of the sites we went to was Point du Hoc which stands on a cliff. On this cliff there are still able to see where the bombs landed and you can still see the remains of the German bunkers. A friend and I decided to go explore the bunkers. Some are completely caved in and some are still intact. The last bunker we came to was strange to use because it was still intact but unlike the other ones it didn't have any lights so you couldn't see much of the inside. In the main room you were able to see because of the light coming from outside I went in and I saw that the main room opened up to two other rooms the one on the right was pitch black while the other one on the left you could see a little less than half of it because of there was hole that allowed some light to come in. I told my friend to go out and see if she could find dry twigs so we could make a torch. When she left I heard noises coming from the room to the left so I went to check it out.

What I saw shocked me.

From the dark side of the room, on the floor I saw a shadow coming and it seemed to be coming towards me. I could see the perfect outline of a human and I could see it was wearing a hat. I couldn't move and could only stare. Then I heard my friend coming and I started to call her. When I turned to look at the shadow on the floor, it was going back to the dark side of the room and I couldn't see it anymore.

After that I now believe that the ghosts of dead soldiers are still there.

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Ammo Co. Ghost

by Marlyena Mendoza
(Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan)

Hey, I'm PFC Mendoza. I live on Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan. I've been here for about three months now and have heard alot of rumors about the ghosts that live on Okinawa. I never thought much of it until I saw one for myself.

It was a night I was on duty. The time on deck was about 0350. I was touring the area and nothing seemed out of the norm. As I headed out the back door to check outside, I got this weird feeling. I came back from outside and headed towards the duty desk. As I was passing the chow hall, on the way back I saw a pitch black figure making weird gestures. I couldn't see any facial features. It was a solid black form that looked liked a man. When it noticed me, it ran. At first I thought it was one of the restriction Marines that lived on first deck but when I proceeded to cut it off at the only other entrance to the chow hall, it wasn't there any more. I turned on the light and saw the entire chow hall was empty.

This same ghost was spotted a few weeks later running from the gym to the old chow hall at the time of 0230 by two other Marines on duty. They went to the chow hall to confirm what they saw. It reacted the same when it noticed them. It ran. Then just this morning, 2008/07/01 at 0300 the ghost was spotted running from the gym to the chow hall. The Marine on duty, LCPl Knott (he was one of the two Marines who spotted the ghost the 2nd time), saw the ghost run to the chow hall again. This time he chased after it when it ran only it disappeared past a wall.

The same black faceless figure I come to find out was seen moths before I got to Okinawa while one of our Sgts was on duty. We don't know whether or not it's a ghost or someone sneaking into our barracks.

But we are going to find out.

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Hospital Cave

by Jared Paul
(Okinawa Japan)

This is a true story and it begin in World War II
on the island of Okinawa where a great battle was fought between Japan and the United States.

One of the hardest fights was over an airfield the Japanese called Kadena. Today, Kadena is still an American base with many secrets. When the fighting was at its fullest the Japanese rounded up some nurses into a cave near the airbase that they used for a hospital, gave them grenades, and told them to kill themselves. They did so, but not without crying and praying for mercy to heaven above. They place the grenades to their chests and a large explosion rocked the small cave. When the Americans found the cave the nurses were cremated and their ashes spread into the cave. This was the end of the battle, but the island is still cursed today.

Kadena Air Base is still the most active ghost spot on the island. The cave is blocked but you're are still allowed to head up to the cave. When my friend and I went up to the cave we heard a loud explosion even though their was nothing there. when I took pictures with my cell, strange blue lights appeared in the shape of young girls. As we were running form the site we heard a small cry of help coming from the woods that surrounds the cave.

You may not believe this but this truly happened.

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