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Ghost Story from Derry Nothern Ireland

by Rebecca
(Derry, Northern Ireland)

There was an old building site around the back of my house. There was a barn house and a huge field too. I went up there with my friend and entered the field. A big black thing sprinted across two feet from were we were standing. It looked like a wolf of some sort but I knew that there were no wolves in these parts.

We looked up at the house and a figure was standing in a white cloak at the top of the field. She started to walk towards us. It was an old woman. We all knew the story of the house and how it burned down 60 years before and how a two year-old girl was killed.

We made for the back of the field thinking this old woman was going to tell us off for being in the field. But the black thing popped out of nowhere and started to growl. We sprinted towards our house and when we were at the back of the field we saw the woman with the big black thing staring at us.

I wont EVER go back to that field I know she will be waiting for us to return to the field.

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