Real Ghost Sighting

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Do you have knowledge of a real ghost sighting? Give us the details!

According to survey, most people believe in the existence of ghosts. It is mankind's nature to ponder his existence and question reality. Of all of man's qualities, this tendency to ponder and to question is one of his greatest. The advancement of the arts, science and technology is fueled by it. Peace, social improvement and all creative impulses are based upon it.

But while most people believe ghosts are real, very few people claim to have seen one. Granted, our site is intended for entertainment purposes, but we do strive to give our visitors material upon which to ponder his or her existence. This is done with our stories, by publishing our visitors' experiences, providing credible looking videos and now we are opening our communication channels, to seek out haunted locations.

We hope you enjoy our stories and videos, but we also know that none of them comes even close to seeing a ghost for yourself. We think what is most fascinating to our visitors is the possibility of getting a glimpse of a ghost. So it's time to expand this area of our site and give you more of what you're looking for and a chance to have your own real ghost sighting.

Therefore, we invite you to share your knowledge of ghostly places by giving you a special place to send them to us. If you live near a real haunted house, a haunted hotel, haunted landmark, etc., please send us your information. Give us as much information as you can. We will post your listing on our site,* and do further research if necessary, expanding your information with our findings. If it is a place that everyone can visit, we will happily provide information on how to find it.

We will be supplementing our visitor's input with news stories and other credible sources of data where possible.

*Please note: In order to protect others' safety and privacy, we will not provide specific addresses to private residences or areas where people can be injured, although we will be happy to share the story.

So, get on out there, find some ghosts and send your real ghost sightings here. Have a great time! (But please, be safe.)

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