Real Ghost Stories
Page Thirteen

Real Ghost Stories #58

"My dog often stares off into space and barks and will not stop until I come into the way of what he is barking at..

Stephanie C.
Hamilton, OH

Real Ghost Stories #59

"I was at my mother-in-law's home one night,and of course, she lives behind a cemetery.

"Well, we were sitting there in the kitchen talking when her doorbell rang. It was one of those wireless doorbells you buy. Well, it rang really weird like the West Minister Chimes.

"I said to her, 'Someone is at the door, I will get it.' And I went to the door and no one was there.

"I said, 'Hey, no one at the door, you must have a bad doorbell.'

"She said try it, so I did and it went, 'Ding dong.'

"I asked her "Why did it go off before with a lot of rings when I just tried it and it just went ding dong?'

"She said she didn't know, and still today if we are there talking, the doorbell will go off with no one is there.


Sarah B.
Galway, Larghmore

Real Ghost Stories #60

"Well this actually happened to my mom and it is pretty wierd.

We used to live in Reno but moved to Sacremento. We go and visit my family in Reno often but one night when we were coming back from visiting our old house I felt something was wrong. There was a long curved trail that we had to drive down. I was really freaked about that road but there was no other way. What really freaked me out was the big white cross at the beginning of the trail.

"As we went down the trail I noticed my dad looking up at my mom and asked her what was wrong.

"She stuttered, 'D-d-did you see that?'

"She stuttered, 'D-d-did you see that?'

"'See what?'my dad asked. She was not able to tell us what happened at that moment.

"After she calmed.she told us she saw a black shadow crossing the road. Then suddenly it turned white as it entered the the woods.

"I got really freaked."

Jaque R
Sacramento, California

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