
Creepy Ghost Videos

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Here are some creepy ghost videos

"Be afraid. Be very afraid." - The Fly (1986)

for all you ghost surfers to watch. We're glad you stopped by and add new videos all the time. Here are a couple new ones that seem quite interesting.

In the first, a person carrying a video camera walks up to a house which we presume is haunted. As he approaches the window with his camera, you can actually hear knocking going on inside the house. The problem with this is that we don't get a wide angle shot of the house, nor do we know the story behind the location. This leaves quite a bit to one's imagination.

The second was taken by Devin Raymond and is supposedly evidence gathered in a haunted hotel cellar. On this footage, you will hear voices that aren't EVP, in other words, Devin says he heard the voices just as clearly off camera as on. The author's comments are displayed on screen and what he hears leads him to believe he is in the facinity of a malevolent presence.

Now, a common problem with video is that it is difficult, if not impossible to use it as conclusive evidence. Footage can be edited or easily faked by only providing a fraction of the environment or by tricks outside the view of the lens.

Therefore, we don't know if either of these are real, but they sure are creepy ghost videos.

A person goes up to a house window and hears knocking. Says its a ghost inside. Kind of creepy.

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