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Watch Movies Online
Pre-Show Cartoons

You may not be able to go to the drive-in anymore, but you can watch movies online. Sis and I would sit in the car and watch as the kids played on the playground swings in front of the screen.

When the cartoons started playing, the kids would run to their cars and grab their seats so they could watch every minute of the feature.

Even though drive-ins are a thing of the past, you can still enjoy the experience anywhere. You can even watch them outside like you're really at the outdoor! We've even located a cartoon with our favorite ghost, Casper!

To make sure our experience is as close to the real thing as possible, we culled our files for some old cartoons for our pre-show. This will give you time to get your popcorn or even order your pizza!

Enjoy the pre-show cartoons, and I'll see you on the next page!

Scroll down until each block is centered in your viewing area,
then press the arrow to begin your selection.

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