And the Scariest Ghost Video of All--
We recently stumbled upon these videos. We have to say this is the scariest ghost video of all.
This video takes place in the Buffalo Psychiatric Center in Buffalo, New York. The complex is over 100 years old and this location of the center closed in 1974. We don't know if the ruinous condition of the building began prior to its closure, or if it only started looking this way after years of abandonment. However, according to www.hauntedfilm.com, the center was accused of starvation, embezzlement, suicide and unexplained deaths.
Back in the day when this hospital was built (above), society had a very superstitious view of the insane and patients were treated as subhuman creatures as evidenced by the use of such "treatments" as electroshock therapy, insulin shock therapy, and other "therapies" including lobotomy. It is especially scary when these treatments are done on unconsenting patients, meaning one could be taken by force and subjected to treatment against his will. Unfortunately, these practices are still alive and well today in some places, even here in America. But that is a subject for another day and perhaps, another website.But suffice it to say that the footage you are about to see shows the old equipment, beds and facilities that were used prior to the hospital's closure, and beware--the images are very depressing and very spooky--and that ain't even the haunted part! Perhaps when the building was newer, its atmospheric tone was more uplifting, but we think that if you want to make someone well or make them feel better, that perhaps surroundings of a wee more cheerful nature would be in order. But that's just us.  Now back to the other reasons that make this the scariest ghost video of all. Apparently, this footage was shot by an amateur photographer and the anamolies presented were not visible at the time of shooting. Only after careful review of the film did the images become apparent. And what we are showing here is only the tip of the iceburg. Make sure to visit www.hauntedfilms.com for more photos and to see the actual film. Towards the end of the clip, you will see the image in question, as they make it pretty obvious. This footage is unquestionably chilling, not only because of what it reveals, but also because of the disturbingly spooky nature of the setting of the video. The first video is a walk-through of the now abandoned Buffalo Psychiatric Center. The second is a slide-show of photo stills taken in different areas of the hospital. Check them out. See if this isn't the scariest ghost video of all.
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