House Clearing

This article about house clearing is brought to you by Their site is all about creating a warm, cozy home using holistic methods. The clearing of unwanted spirits is one of their specialties.

-House Clearing-

Do you think you have a ghost or spirit in your house?

If you don't want to call in the professionals – yet – why not have a look at these tried and tested ideas for clearing and cleansing your home of all unwanted energies, entities and vibrations.

~Always psychically protect yourself before attempting any clearing. Whatever or whoever you feel comfortable asking for protection from. This is very important--don't skip over this step.

~Clear one room at a time. This can be exhausting work and it's better to do a room a day properly than to do your whole house half-heartedly.

~De-clutter and clean the space you want to clear first. Energies and entities love having places to hide – don't give them the opportunity!

~Focus yourself. Why are you doing this clearing? You need to have a purpose when clearing the space.

~If you feel you have a ghost or energy present,
ask them calmly and respectfully to leave explaining it's your home now.

~Frankincense incense is highly rated for space clearing because it is a powerful tool in removing and dispersing negative energy – just what you want! Lighting a stick of incense, make a figure of '8' in each corner of the room, ending with a large figure of '8' in the center of the room. All the time you are doing this, keep in mind why you are doing the clearing.

~A little bowl of fresh, unused sea salt in each corner will finish off your clearing. This will absorb any negativity and should be emptied out after a week – do not use this salt, throw it away.

~Light a beautiful candle, requesting that your home remain energized, protected and positive, along with any other personal things you request for your living environment. Thank all the beings and energies who helped you and then relax.

Well done--you've now energized and cleared your living space. Enjoy!

If you've discovered a ghostly tenant in your home, give this a try. But make sure to visit for more tips!

After you've cleared your house, don't be afraid to share your ghost story with us. Click here to report your story.

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