This ghost video of a haunted cemetery was posted by PureParnormal on Youtube. Here's a link to PureParanormal's YouTube Page so you can check out their other videos.
Apparently this was taken in the basement of the chapel at the cemetery. It was captured in the area where the It is murky footage, so bear with that, please. But watch along and you will see a dark shadow appear and almost evaporate. In that regard it is quite convincing.
It does make sense that paranormal activity would occur in such a place, since cemeteries are, after all, where the dead "hang out." Hospitals and hotels are also hotbeds. Hospitals, because that is where many people expire and hotels, because that is where many people live during times of stress and hardship (divorce, etc.). Some never go home.
So it makes perfect sense and although I cannot verify that this is authentic, it begs one question. Who would hang out in the basement of a chapel in the dark of night waiting for shadow people to appear? I wouldn't. But some paranormal guys are die hards and fear nothing. :shiver:
Check it out and see what you think? Is this really that of a haunted cemetery?