Ghost Sightings Part Two

United Kingdom

The ghost sightings in this section occurred in the United Kingdom.


Windhouse Photo High atop a windswept hill in a desolate, remote part of the Shetland Islands of Scotland is an imposing stone house named Windhouse. Built in 1707, Windhouse has been vacant since the 1920s, after the previous owners inexplicably abandoned the house, leaving it to become a derelict ruin.

Legend has it that this ghost sightings began with the sudden abandonment of the inhabitants after they received threats from an apparition that they would not live through the night.

The house is steeped in lore and mystery. The land where the 1000-acre estate was established has been inhabited for over 5,000 years and has very old history attached to it. The house was supposedly originally built upon an ancient graveyard and was moved in the 1800s to its current location. The original master of the house was reputedly of very ill temper. Family and friends cowed in fear and when his temper mixed with alcohol his rage became lethal.

Legend says that one evening during a horrendous storm, a peddler happened upon the house in search of food and shelter until the storm subsided. One of the members of the house allowed him entrance, but fled shortly after when she heard the Master stir from his library. They left the peddler in the foyer, vulnerable and unsuspecting.

Demanding to know who had disturbed him on such a tempestuous evening, he found the peddler alone, weakly trying to explain his presence. Angered beyond sanity at the peddler’s presence, the master supposedly beat the peddler to death on the spot and threw the body out in the storm onto the front porch where it lay for several days until the storm subsided.

The master commanded the servants to dig a hole and bury the body under the kitchen window. Afterwards the master openly bragged about his dirty deed around town in order to spread more intimidation and fear into his neighbors’ hearts. He and his family were eventually driven off the island, never to be heard from or seen again.

In modern times, it has been said that a skeleton was discovered in the ground under the kitchen window exactly where legends say the peddler was buried.

There are several ghost sightings of ghosts who have been said to haunt Windhouse. One is a lady in silk who is said to circle three times at the top of unseen stairs, sigh and then disappear. It is said that she was killed when she fell down steps and broke her neck. Another ghost is that of a child and yet another of a man in a top hat.

There are varying reports, but some say there was a child’s skeleton found in one of the walls and a woman’s body was discovered buried beneath the floorboards of the house.

Windhouse has the reputation of being one of the most haunted houses in Scotland and until recently no one has been interested in inhabiting it. The house has been purchased by a building contractor who intends to renovate the building, restoring it to its original grandeur and is unfazed by stories of the hauntings, and in fact welcomes the presence of a phantom or two.

Penhow Castle
Newport, Gwent
Map of Newport

The cause of ghost sightings can sometimes be attributed to renovations. That is what some think is going on at Penhow Castle because the sightings have been so recent. This castle is the oldest inhabited castle and in it have been heard heavy footfalls on the wooden stairs and a young girl wearing a blue-grey apron has been seen running from the Great Hall. A dinner party was once interrupted by a ghostly string quartet.

Muncaster Castle
Cumbria, England
Map of Ravenglass

When some people put down roots, they really take it seriously! The Pennington family has lived in this majestic structure for over 800 years. It is situated outside the town of Ravenglass in Cumbria, England and dates back to the 1200's.

The castle is said to be haunted by Tom Fool, Mary Bragg and a new, unknown ghost which has been added to the list.

Back in the late 1500s, Tom Fool was a jester at the castle and was infamous for his tricks, both innocent and not so innocent. One among his less friendly acts included intentionally sending wayward travelers to the nearby quicksand marsh rather than giving them true directions to their destination. He is said to now keep watch over the castle as well as commit sinister acts now and again.

Mary Bragg on the other hand, was the vicitim of the wrath of a fierce competitor for the hand of the castle footman. The tree under which she met her demise is said to have bled upon being cut down. She has been seen roaming the gardens.

The new unknown ghost appeared after a recent excavation of castle grounds to determine the existence of Roman presence. This excavation apparently woke up a sleeping spirit. The new guest has been heard chopping wood and is said to be responsible for blowing out light bulbs.

Some reported ghost sightings in the Tapestry Room include: the sound of a crying child, a singing woman, footsteps, doors opening inexplicably, electronic interference, changes of temperature and oh!--getting thrown out of bed. Sure sounds like a peaceful place to sleep.

If you're the curious sort and have the nerve to check it out, Muncaster Castle is open for tours, can be rented for events and weddings, and is reached by calling: 01229 717614, or email:

Borley Rectory
Borley, England
Map of Borley, England

Borley Rectory PhotoThe Borley Rectory, located in Essex, has often been called the most haunted house in England. The house was built in 1863 and indeed, ghost sightings and accounts of paranormal activity have been virtually countless. In fact from 1930-1935 it has been reported that over 2,000 paranormal events took place in the house.

Such events have included reports of the following: unexplained footsteps, the apparition of a nun, sounds of ringing bells, lights appearing in windows, windows shattering, bottle-throwing, wall-writing, stone-throwing and even "spirit messages."

Certainly throughout its history there have been rumors of a murdered nun being walled up alive in the brick walls, but in 1938 that legend was proven false. Still, however, sightings of a young nun have been reported by numerous people throughout history, even after the official discounting.

Many paranormal researchers have investigated the site, but the results were mixed. Many say that most of the phenomenon was explainable by the poor condition of the building and rats, among other things. In addition, the actions of Harry Price, made famous through his research on the building, was accused of fraud, rendering much of his work and opinion useless.

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