Ghost Sightings Part One


The ghost sightings on this page originate in the United States.

White House

White House Photo
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Ghost sightings at the White House are legendary and have been reported by such first ladies as Eleanor Roosevelt, Grace Coolidge, and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. In fact, many presidents have confessed to feeling the presence of our former leaders who, they say, seem to want to help and give their support. But visiting dignitaries and staff have also been witness to the eerie encounters, which are well documented and openly admitted by the nation’s capital.

The most frequently detected apparition is that of Abraham Lincoln who has a propensity for knocking on doors. Several presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover and Harry Truman experienced being interrupted by the ghostly rappings and Grace Coolidge saw Mr. Lincoln gazing out a window in the Oval Office. Other reports include Lincoln sitting on his bed tying his shoes as well as standing at a window in his bedroom looking out over the grounds.

One First Lady was said to be visited by the ghost of Dolley Madison when she wanted to make changes to the rose garden and even Abigail Adams has been spotted doing her laundry. Some say Mamie Eisenhower haunts the kitchen. Ghost sightings have included Andrew Jackson pacing the halls swearing up a storm and a British soldier has also been seen there. That soldier reportedly died on the grounds in 1814. There have been cold spots, breezes and doors that open and close on their own. Reports of activity have even been reported as recently as a few weeks ago.

Staff at the White House admit that it is very spooky there at night. It has been said that the scariest area is the First Family’s personal quarters. When all the lights are turned off at night, the house is dark and every sound resounds through the halls.

You can tour the White House alone or in groups. But we wouldn’t recommend going alone. If you do have a ghost sighting, you’ll want a witness around, as cameras are not allowed in the White House.

1891 Castle Inn
New Orleans, Louisiana

Another location of ghost sightints is The Castle Inn of New Orleans is located at 1539 4th Street in the Garden District of New Orleans, Louisiana. It is an elegant mansion located 100 feet from St. Charles Avenue and is a seven-minute streetcar ride to the French Quarter. It is a bed and breakfast that is reputedly haunted by at least two ghosts: that of a little girl and that of a mischievous man. The little girl drowned in a small pond that used to exist on a plantation of which the property used to be a part. She is said to now roam the neighborhood looking for her mama and frequent the Castle Inn. She is known for turning the water on and off, brushing up against visitors’ legs, bouncing playfully on the beds and making the sounds of little feet running through the hallways.

The man was a former paid servant and horse carriage driver. He loved music, wine and song and loved to play pranks on people. He has been heard coughing and whistling in the corridors, is infamous for moving and hiding objects and manifests himself as a “transluscent man," often seen in mirrors or in one’s peripheral vision. He plays tricks on guests and loves to play with electronics. He supposedly died in a fire he started by either smoking in bed or overturning a heating pot. Legend has it that he was so drunk, he didn’t awake and suffocated in the smoke. It is believed that he remains in the mansion because he wants to, and never believed he belonged in the servants’ quarters.

Rates for rooms at the 1891 Castle Inn range from $125.00 to $250.00 US per night, but in the off season, Miss Karen will work with you depending on availability, how well she knows you and “what kind of car you drive"! There is obviously levity and humor going on at 1891 Castle Inn, so visit their website at and boo! a room. You might see a ghost!

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Fort Mason, B201
San Francisco, CA 94123

Alcatraz Photo
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This world famous penal institution began as a lighthouse in the 1800s, transformed into a US military fort, then to a military prison, a civil prison, a federal prison, and finally, a national recreation area. It is located on an island in the middle of San Fransisco Bay. Prior to recent history, Indians used the island to punish breakers of tribal law, leaving them isolated on the island for extended periods or competely banishing them to life there amoung evil spirits.

As a federal prison, Alcatraz' reputation was forbmidable and it boasted the fact that no one had ever succesfully escaped in 29 years. On the inside, life was a dreary blur of endless days. Prisoners were given very few comforts or any luxuries

whatsoever. Some of the cell blocks were notorious for solitary confinement under extreme conditions of isolation and deprivation. Some prisoners were tortured.

Some of the most famous visitors were men of notorious criminal careers: Al Capone, George "Machine-Gun" Kelly, Alvin Karpis and Arthur "Doc" Barker. Ghost sightings and manifestations at the abandoned prison have included: an entity with glowing eyes, sobbing and moaning sounds, foul smells, clanging noises, banjo music, cold spots and winds, and the apparitions of prisoners and soldiers.

Visitors to the island can take self-guided and audio tours of Alcatraz. A captioned video program of its history is shown every 30 minutes in the museum. Tickets sell out a week or so in advance, so call (415) 561-4900 9-4 daily to find out more information.

Or take a private tour of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate area. Click the picture above for more information.

If you ever visit these haunted locations, share your ghost sightings with us!

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