This is an EVP from the Villisca Axe Murder House. The Villisca murders occured in a tiny Midwestern town in a very remote area of Southeastern Iowa. The killer of a sleeping family and their two guests was never found, making this one of the most notorious unsolved crime in Iowa history.

Back in the day, Villisca was a prosperous, thriving town of 2,500. It was an early June morning when the Moore family's absence was first noticed by a neighbor who wondered why the house next door, residence to four noisy children, was so quiet. The neighbor also noticed that their livestock had not been tended to and began to think someone in the family had fallen ill. She alerted relatives who arrived and went inside to investigate. Joe Moore, his wife Sara, their four kids and two visiting children were found in their beds, victims of a gruesome act.

Back then, police forces only existed in large towns and what law enforcement did exist in rural communities was badly disorganized. They did not have today's technology of crime scene investigation or forensics and no skills to solve a murder. Therefore this notorious crime has never been solved and the incident acted to tear this small town apart, pitting neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend and ruining lives.

Since the murders, the home has passed through several owners and many times acted as rental property. Early on after the murders, there were several accounts of hauntings in the house by tenants, but they were not taken seriously. It wasn't until after the house was purchased by its current owner, renovated and made into a museum that legends of hauntings became so pronounced. This, is believed by some to be due to the renovation of the property, restoring the property back to the way it was before the Moore's were murdered, thereby in essence back to the family.

Along with the EVP, we found other videos that go into detail about the crime as well as other paranormal investigations. We thought you'd be interested in these as well.

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