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(EVP=Electronic Voice Phenomenon)

This EVP is brought to you by the Scottish Paranormal Society.

They are one of our favorite paranormal groups and you can learn more about them here.

This was captured in Mary Kings Close in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mary Kings Close is thought to be one of the most haunted places in Scotland. A "close" is a narrow street with houses built along its sides. Back in the day, Edinburgh had space issues because the city was surrounded by a wall in order to protect it from invading enemies.

Houses were built some 14 stories tall, and while those more affluent citizens living above enjoyed sunshine, air and a view, those down below lived in dark, disease-ridden quarters.

Due to plague, Mary Kings Close was built over with newer structures in 1753. Those sick and dying were actually closed up below and lived (died) separately from the rest of the city.

The historic streets remain in tact to this day, are steeped in mystery and very haunted.

The voice on this recording is quite discernible, although what it is saying is relatively unintelligible. It is the whispering voice in the background. You hear it after the "Hello."

Take a listen. What do you think? Does this sound like a ghost to you?

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