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BooSpace! FAQs

1. How do I get my own room?

2. When can I start creating pages in my room?

3. How long does it take for my room to "go live?"

4. Can I decorate my own room?

5. Why do I have to give you my email address?

6. Will you tell other people my email address?

7. Once I have my room, how do I create pages?

8. There is a one-photo limit per page, how do I put more photos up?

9. How do I upload my video?

10. There is a 10,000 character limit per page, but I want more room for my story. What do I do?

11. How come you don't host my videos?

12. If there are problems, how do I tell you?

1. How do I get my own room?

Click on the link above and fill out the profile form as much as you can or want to. Submit the form and we will create your space for you. You will be notified by email when your room is ready and you can start creating pages.

2. When can I start creating pages in my room?

Once your room is ready, we will contact you with your URL. Go to that URL and use the form to start building pages. Visitors will comment and rate your pages. There is no limit to the number of pages you can create as long as they are appropriate.

3. How long does it take for my room to go live?

It depends on the number of requests we have in queue. Usually 24 hours or less.

4. Can I decorate my own room?

Unfortunately this feature is new and the programming rather simple. We will be experimenting with this feature, but for now, the template will be rather simple.

5. Why do I have to give you my email address?

Without your email address, we cannot notify you that your room is ready and give you a URL. That's the only reason.

6. Will you tell other people my email address?

Heck no. Unless you want us to. If you are a musician or artist, we don't mind helping you get gigs so you will have the option of displaying your email address/phone number in your room. But please realize we are in no way responsible for any spam you receive as a result.

7. Once I have my room, how do I create pages?

There will be a form in your room that you will use to create pages and add to your room. The form is simple and self-explanatory. Each time you build a page, you will be notified that your new page is live. You can also request to receive notification

8. There is a one-photo limit per page, how do I put more photos up?

Create more pages and add a photo to each page. There needs to be 25 characters in each page, so please type something in each page to go with each photo, otherwise, the webmaster will have to do it for you and we're sure you'd rather have your own say on what it says.

9. How do I upload my video?

Create a page, and select the upload photo feature. Make sure you select the photo from your computer and hit the upload button.

10. There is a 10,000 character limit per page, but I want more room for my story. What do I do?

Place the word "Continued" on the bottom of the page, the start another page with the same title but with a page number after it. Example: "My Ghost Story Page 2." That will designated to the reader that there is more to come and will prompt them to look for the next part in your directory of links.

11. How come you don't host my videos?

This is a simple site and we don't have millions of dollars. We're trying to provide as much fun and entertainment as we can with the resources we have. Your video has to be displayed via another hosting service.

12. If there are other problems, how do I tell you?

Click here to let us know.

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