Your guess as good as mine
by Cory
(Harrisburg, Illinois, USA)
Hi, we rented a home for eight months and while living there we would hear noises and would just feel uneasy in this room where I took the picture. I took eight pictures, and have something in everyone of them. This is the one with the most going on and I was wandering if you had any ideas to what this is?
If it helps this is a digital camera, and I promise I have done no editing. I took this picture with the door shut, and lights off. From friends and family what we have maybe thought or gathered from the picture was-first if you look on wall you see a shadow in a doorway. Yes that's where I was standing, but there were no lights on in front or behind me, but I did have the flash on though. It makes perfect light of a door. I'm sure you can see what almost looks like a mask from The Phantom of the Opera or something of that sort, where it's half a mask.
If you look below it looks like his hands are together, almost as if he is praying. If that is what it is, his hands look like they're on a book.
What is creepy about the picture is if you look a little more left and down you see another object. It looks as if a long neck and a creature with his neck leaning back screaming. It's very weird.
As I said I have no idea what it is. I have other pictures as stated, but nothing like this. I have some where there are yellow boxes, blue lines, another picture with objects like this, and white objects along the wall.
Thank you for your help, and whatever you think or decide thank you for your time.