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by Rhapsody
(Cleveland, TN)

Well House with the ball of fog where she died

Well House with the ball of fog where she died

Years ago I lived in this old farm house where the lady who lived there had fallen into the deep well outside the kitchen door. She was dead when they discovered her body.

We renovated the old house and lived there approximately three years. I had many strange things happen during this time but was scared to tell anyone for fear they would think I was crazy.

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Note: For an enlargement of this photo, see the Ghost Picture under "Mowery Well House Where She Died."

27 Years later, I wanted to get a photo album together for my children. I didn't have many photos I could find that was made while we lived there. Since it was only about ten miles from where I presently live, I decided to go take some outside shots of the house.

After I arrived, I couldn't believe how the house had been neglected and sat in ruin. Nobody was living there so I pulled into the circular driveway and rolled down my passenger window. I used the open window to snap shots of the house.

When I arrived home and downloaded the photos, I could not believe my eyes. The things that showed up in the photo were not there when I made the photos.

It was a clear, sunny day but there is foggy streaks throughout the shots. A few turned out clear and normal but two things really gave me the chills.

One shot made toward the old well house, showed a heavy circle of this foggy stuff. That's where the old woman had died. Then I snapped two shots one after the other by accident. I kept my finger on the button too long so it snapped two times.

There is this white, transparent and semi-transparent object that changes shapes from one shot to the next. I am wondering if I capped a ghost in the shots? There was nothing to cause this in front of my view and since other photos were clear and sharp, I can't explain these shots.