i am a great believer of ghosts and stuff. There is definitely supernatural goins on!
Sep 11, 2008 Rating
my friend and i can... by: Anonymous
cristena im 10 years old and i can see ghost so can my friend her name is jamie.i think this is weird because ok lets see my mom's friend when she was little was named jamie and she lived right across the street from the house that my friend jamie lives in.jamie said that the neighbors say that four teenagers crashed into the room what now is her dining room.only one lived.when jamie was three years old she would sit and play in the dining room and act like she was playing with someone.turns out she was.she was playing with the ghost of the one boy that actually lived.it was a while back so he was dead no matter what.Also her mom's dad died before jamie was born.jamie would be in bed and a old guy would stand by her bed and smile at her then would disapper.her mom was dusting a picture of her ,her dad,her husband,and her two other older kids.jamie came over and said"thats him thats the man who stands by my bed at night!" "who is that man mommy?"her mom said thats my daddy.amazing also jamie was sitting on her bed and she has a plastic pumpkin and all of a sudden it flew across the room!