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"True" Ghost Story

by Blong
(Menasha, WI)

This is one of my friend’s cousins. While he and his friend were drive back from Oshkosh on Route 441, they saw a girl ahead, walking with her suitcase heading in the same direction.

They stop and ask the girl if she would like them to give her a ride. She agreed and rode with them. They ask the girl what her name is and why she was out walking in the road at night. She told them her name, and told them she was heading back home from college when there was an accident. That’s why she was walking at night.

They ask where she was going and if they could drop her off there. She told them that her family was going to pick her up near a gas station near the exit of the highway to Appleton. The two boys told her they are also from Appleton. They ask whose family she is, and she told them her parents name and family.

When they arrive at the gas station, they ask if they all could exchange phone numbers so they could contact each other sometimes to talk and hangout. They all exchanged phone numbers. Then they all departed. Later that night when the boys got home, they try calling her to see if she got home safely.

When her mother picks up the phone, they ask if this is the girl's house. The mother answers yes. They ask if they can talk with her daughter. The mother was confused, and asks the boy, “What are you talking about? She died a year ago!” …

The boy got confused and explained what happened on how they met. The mother told them that’s where she died in a car crash.

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"True" Ghost Story

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Aug 30, 2011
by: Ian

Maybe the girl gave a different phone no? And coincidently the daughter is dead?

Aug 14, 2011
I could say
by: tanya

This is a shocking story.

Jul 16, 2011
Vanishing Hitchhikers
by: teeheeapple123

I've heard this kind of thing before and people have had many encounters with certain gohsts called vanishing hitchikers and I've heard alot of stories like this.

Jun 29, 2011
by: Shania

So that must be a ghost that talks.

May 15, 2011
I agree with phantom hitchhiker
by: Anonymous

I first learned about phantom hitchhikers in a book called the Unexplained. It's a good book, just needs more information. By the way, if you can tell me anytime soon, I'd like permission to print this story for a friend who is a skeptic and doesn't believe.

May 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

This ghost story is so over done; there is even a song about it. It's by Lloyd Snow and it's called Bringing Mary Home. In the song the driver brings Mary right to her house and then she disappears from the back seat and Mary's mother comes outside. And informs the driver that at 13 years young Mary lost her life in a car wreck where he picked her up. Same old song and dance. But I do agree that giving the phone number was a nice touch. :)

May 09, 2011
Good work
by: Camille

I believe this one is fake, but anyways good work

May 09, 2011
Fake, CID case
by: Camille

Hey sorry but I don't think that story is true. It may be, but from me, I am heading straight to FAKE. Also, that was a CID case. So, so so so.

May 05, 2011
by: Liv

This is so freaky I will give this a 5

May 02, 2011
Phantom hitchhiker
by: Anonymous

A case of the phantom hitch-hiker. This one's more "alive" than most - going so far as to actually give her parent's phone number. I give this one a 5

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