That has happened to me before. I went to sleep in my bedroom and I awoke on my bathroom floor and saw a witch and closed my eyes and I felt It touch me and then It was gone. I was scared to death.
Feb 04, 2009 Rating
It Was The Devil. by:
Light some insense, open all of the windows and doors in the home and FIRMLY let this enitity know that 'it' is NOT welcome there, around you or around your family; IN THE NAME OF ALLAH.
I know why this demon chose to show itself to you, because it was Ramadan...
Satan tries to pull us away from God ALL THE TIME, but ESPECIALLY when we are trying to improve ourselves through self discipline and reflection.
I am first and foremost a devoted Muslim, (convert)But i am also a Spiritual Empath who has been sensitive to the spirit world from a VERY young age, i have had dealings with my fair share of demonic entities that i attracted during a brief period of deep depression (demonic posession, i belive now) 'Godlessness' and from wandering into uncharted territory when i and experimented with the dark arts along with a brief addiction to strong narcotic painklillers. this is the reason why i further educated myself on, and embraced Islam at the age of 16.
All i can say is make sure there is no alcohol,pornography,excessive arguing or non-prescription drugs around in the home, as demons are attracted to hostility, weakness, inebriation, smut, and general Godlessness.