The Schoolgirl's Spirit

by Booby Joe D.

Around the 1st of March last year my friend and I decided to scheme class. We went to St. Paul's College which is a small school in Kilrea, in the North of Ireland. As we walked up to the 3rd floor we heard a type of laugh almost like a giggle. My friend Daniel was full of excitement when he heard the laughter and ran just ahead of me to see who on earth it was. As he went around the corner I heard a terrible scream. It was Daniel.

I ran around the corner to find Daniel staring ahead, pure white in the face. I looked at him for a couple of seconds then looked ahead. What I saw next made me freeze on the spot with fear as I saw a young girl almost transparent walking towards Daniel and me. As the girl came towards us I noticed she wasn't walking at all but floating in mid air. I tried to snap out of my state of shock but my eyes were glued to her face. As she was a few meters away she vanished right through the wall. The wall she went through took you into the math department but when I walked through the door to enter the room my teacher, Mr. McGurk, was teaching class and there was no sign of the ghost girl.

I told my story to almost every pupil and teacher but they didn't believe me or my friend Daniel. My English teacher went through the CCTV Footage but all you could see was Daniel and me looking at thin air and nothing else. This experience scarred me for life and I still can't believe what my friend and I saw on the 3rd floor. And to this day I still don't know who or what was in the hall that day.

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The Schoolgirl's Spirit

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Jul 27, 2008
I wouldn't worry..
by: : )

Sometimes ghosts are simply attachted to a place for some reason wether they had unfinished bussnisse or something else. What you probally experience was just a little girl ghosts I think she is harmless and doesn't want you to be scared of her. After all the only thing she did was walk towards you.

May 22, 2008
same same but different
by: Anonymous

I can totally relate to your story. One of the few times (that I know exactly what I saw) I saw a ghost, that has a similar looking description. I could see every detail but everything about him, everything was hazy white and it was in the middle of the day too. It seemed as though he was floating , but I could see the arms and legs moving as he walking. I watched him untill he disapeared into room without an exit.Only took accouple of seconds, I could even see his hair thinning. I was also walking out of my room on the 3rd floor of the house.......

Apr 07, 2008
by: Anonymous

great story mate

Mar 22, 2008
by: Anonymous

So cool

Mar 20, 2008
What did she look like
by: Julie

Hi my name is Julie and I think I can tell you who she is and why she was there at that time I think I have seen her befor in my house school and pritty much any were I go so if you could get back to me then I can tell all about her I know ghosts very well and happen to ghost friends of my own Please send me back and I will tell you more.

Mar 01, 2008
by: Spooky ghost girl

i so believe you i saw a figure in my house at 10:30 at night and it was floating in the air i told everybody i knew but they didn't believe me either.

Feb 28, 2008
deeply haunting
by: Fred

very scary indeed, northern ireland is famously known for its strange buildings and above all its totally weird ghosts..great story Bobby...

Feb 25, 2008
by: Tommy Peterson

Bravo Bravo remarkable storey of two pupils caught in a moment of sheer fear and determination to get away from this evil spirit.

It's a great story and my hat goes off to those two brave Irish men.. Bravo

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