The Old Book

by Leah

Well, I was in the local library and I got a bit bored. It was pouring down rain and I wasn't walking home in that! So I went down the oldest aisle where they kept all the books that were practically ruins. There was a small book at the end of the shelf, and I only just noticed it. I could have missed it easily but I didn't.

I picked it up and felt a slight breeze on my left shoulder. It was made by an amateur you could tell, and I though it looked really old, older than it was. But then I opened the front page and in italic writing (hardly legible) it said, 1667. I then flicked the page over to find what I thought as a recipe for spells. I managed to make out the title, Birth Of Plague. It then said unleash pain and terror...

A librarian walked past so I stopped her and said, how can you have books like this in here? She looked at the book as if she's never seen it before. "I don't remember that book being here, come with me."

She led me to the staff area in the library where there was a woman drinking coffee. "Janet, what's this book about?" the librarian said to the woman.

She stared at it in shock, then slowly took it out of the librarian's hands and looked through it. "From my instincts I would say it's a witchcraft book, made by an old witch." We all sat down before our shaky legs collapsed.

"I think this is the book which went missing in 1934." She then explained that the book had been in the library since it was built, but it went missing and never came back. Everyone who took the book always managed to return it, but never to physically do it, meaning someone took it back for them. (What the heck!?)

They let me take the book out to research it.

The sun had come out finally and there was a rainbow. I came back to my apartment and sat down and read through it. It spoke of curses, raising the dead and summoning the Dark Prince. When I read through it, I noticed there were drops of blood to represent the page numbers, and to me it looked like animal blood, but who knows?

I never have tried to use the black magic in this book. I'll be posting again to tell you how it goes.

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The Old Book

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Sep 23, 2011
I wouldn't If I were You
by: Carla

If I were you I wouldn't mess with it. I wasn't a believer of the Ouija board, until I messed with it.

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