The Horse and Lady

by Sammy H
(Hemel Hempstead)

My name is Sammy and I went to a school called Rossgate. Rossgate used to be a farm so I guess it links to what happened to us. It's not called Rossgate anymore though, it has a completley new name and has been amalgamated with another school. The wild area at Rossgate was strictly out of bounds for us kids but did we listen? Of course not. To us 'out of bounds' meant 'please go in'.

One day my friends and I went into the wild area thinking that it would be a laugh but to be honest we just ended up wishing we'd never gone in.

Chris, Georgie and I went in first because David and Shelby didn't want to get in trouble. We walked in, down the dark part and turned round. Nothing. As we were walking out Chris burst into a run and we followed him.

'You're such a wuss Chris.' I grinned.

'Didn't you see that woman? I could have sworn she's a new dinner lady or something!'

He said looking over his shoulder, into the wild area.

'You're so stupid.' Georgie smiled and we all walked back in apart from Shelby, who had 'better things to do. Maisey, one of the year fours followed us in without us knowing and shouted for us to come to her. We rolled our eyes and walked over to her.

'I found this by that tree!' She said and showed us what appeared to be a horses foot.

Moments later we heard what sounded like a horse running and saw a long white thing floating towards us. We all ran out of the wild area screaming. We may have been 'tough year sixes' but boy did that scare us!

I doubt that they have forgotten that day. I think it will be in our memories forever.

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The Horse and Lady

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Feb 13, 2009
horse & lady?
by: Anonymous

tough year sixes? dinner lady? is this some kind of slang I have never heard of? are you british or something? I cannot make heads or tails out of the story.

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