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The Haunted House

by Kaylee
(Pontiac, Illinois, USA)

Little Hammer Boy Ghost

Little Hammer Boy Ghost

One night I was downstairs with my boyfriend, watching TV. It was getting late, so I turned off the TV and went to sleep. As I was falling to sleep I looked up and the TV was turned on. I looked down to see if my boyfriend was still sleeping on the floor. I looked up and the TV was red. I yelled for my boyfriend to look at the TV. We looked at each other frightened. I got up and turned the TV off. As I shut it off, the basement door opened by itself. We ran upstairs so scared we couldn't sleep the whole night.

Next night I went upstairs to go to bed and I heard banging sounds coming from the basement. I was scared. I went down to the basement and nothing was banging anymore. I went back upstairs and I heard it again. I didn't want to get up so I laid there on my bed. The noises got louder as I sat there. I started to look around the room and saw shadows wandering around. I went downstairs on my couch. As I sat down the toilet flushed by itself.

I ran out of the house and went to my friend's.

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