The Haunted Bridge

by Chayce H
(I dont give this info to unknown peeps)

A long time ago during the black plague there were tons of people trying not to catch this deadly disease. So, this bridge, was big enough that lots of people hid under it. Under the bridge was a door leading to a underground tunnel.

The first settlers to get into this mysterious tunnel was Barbaret Franker, her husband Carter and thier two boys Hunk and Mike. One day these two boys wandered off too far into the tunnel and came across 17 hobo's. These hobos were very crazy and hairy. They asked, "Where you headed laddy?"

"We don't know," they said.

Later that night lots of people entered this strange tunnel and all camped there for weeks. Then one Sunday night there was an earthquake some of the tunnel split in two. The boys and and some friends of theirs were wandering off again and got lost. Their parents called their names. All the parents could hear was a faint voice singing: "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down." Then an ear splitting scream.

So from then on, those boys haunt those tunnels to this day. But know one knows how they died. This took place around the 1500's. All you hear now is a crying sound and buzzing noise.

This story was made up by me and took like 10 min so I could have done better but I have to do something very....idk

Bye Bye now and have a great sleep :)

Tonight I am going to a haunted pizza place so it should be fun!

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The Haunted Bridge

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Sep 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

you know that's pretty good BUT it seems...REAL.

Aug 01, 2009
Cute Story, Chayce
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Very cute.

Not too shabby, considering it only took you 10 minutes. That's awesome! You're very talented and should keep it up. Your grammar and spelling is excellent for your level, by the way.

I love how you tied the London Bridge nursery rhyme in there, and think that was quite creative!

I hope your haunted pizza - I mean - your trip to the haunted pizza parlor was good.

Thank you!


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