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The Boy and his Dog

by Sydney
(Daly City, CA, USA)

My friend, Mae, and I were walking back from school one night so that we could meet up with her grandma at the park. It was our last day. We were passing this old school and all of a sudden a boy that looked about our age came up to us and kept talking about his dog who died. Mae and I started to run and then we saw Mae's grandma. When we started running to her grandma, the boy popped right in front of us again.

He said, "I'm not finished telling my story!" And then Mae and I started running to her grandma again.

We pointed to the boy and said, "That boy is creeping us out. He keeps telling us about his dead dog!" Then we all walked home.

I got so scared because I saw the boy following us. I called my mom and asked if I could sleep over at Mae's house for the rest of the week. When she said yes, Mae and I looked into our right and saw the boy. Mae's grandma said, "I saw your little friend so I let him come in." After the boy was done telling his story, he started to walk home. But then when we saw him walk away, we saw that he slowly faded away. After he vanished, we saw the paper. It said that the boy who had followed us died in the year 2001. He was on the front cover. It also said that he died in that old school that we passed by.

Then the boy appeared right in front of us when I put down the paper. He just stared at us and said, "I still need to tell you a story. Of how I died."

Then Mae and I screamed.

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