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The Bird Cage Theater in Tombstone Arizona

by Anthony DeMarco
(Hewitt, NJ United States)

Tombstone Arizona Bird Cage Theatre

Tombstone Arizona Bird Cage Theatre

My friend and her husband went on a cross country trip, coming from California to Florida. They stopped here because of the history, and because of its known paranormal activity. While in the Bird Cage Theater she said she felt off, like someone or something was there watching them. She took tons of pictures, but this one surprised her. She sent me this picture with hopes that I could give her an answer on to what it is. I'm no expert, but I believe it to be a ghost.

Look at the top of the stairs on the left. Now there is a light to the right and it looks close but it's farther in. So I thought maybe it was casting a shadow but the figure is transparent.

You can see the square tan colored wall paper being covered. So I don't know what else it could be. I hope you enjoy this picture, and hopefully you can tell me what it is.