St Bartholomews Tour-Sydney australia

by Lori
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Apparition leaning on large headstone

Apparition leaning on large headstone

We did the ghost tour of St Bartholomews Church and Graveyard in Prospect Sydney Australia. Three of us took photo's with three different cameras and we all captured apparitions and orbs.

In the attached photo if you notice the large headstone on the left rear you can see someone leaning up against the left hand side of the headstone.

The apparition appears to be male and you can see the background through him. No live people were ahead of us at the time as we were part of a tour and were not allow to venture anywhere on our own. This photo along with others also show anomalies were sent to the tour operator who was not surprised, as the same apparitions have shown up before in other pictures taken on previous tours.

If you zoom in about 50% you can see him clearly.

(Here is a zoomed version to help you find it.)

St. Bartholomew Ghost

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St Bartholomews Tour-Sydney australia

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Apr 05, 2011
Who Knows?

I don't know it could be true or not but if someone goes and runs at one and gets a really close photo then I'm convinced

May 16, 2010
Aboriginal Site
by: Rose Hill

I went to the church today 16/5/2010 as my ancestors are from the Warmuli or Prospect Tribe, traditional custodians of the land the church is built on. Two other people were with me and we all got the same picture/message.

That this was a birthing place for Aboriginal women and my ancestor was born there. Out the back of the church there is a large tree (Sydney Bluegum) which has joined with another tree, very symbolic. Two of us were drawn to the tree (at different times) and both felt a sense of sadness, pain and anguish as if something tragic had happened there.

Has anyone else had this same experience?

Oct 04, 2009
He's there
by: Anonymous

Well Bogus, maybe you need glasses, because he is there on the left hand side of the pic next to the large headstone in the rear of the pic.

Aug 27, 2009
by: Anonymous

Can't see a thing sorry

Aug 01, 2009
Thanks Lori
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi There

And thanks for the pic. I can make out something in the background, but it's not clear. I tried enlarging it, but the image just breaks up.

Could you resubmit using the same title and send me an enlarged, circled image to make it clearer? I'll put it up on the page so we can all see it better (hopefully.)

Thank you.


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