Springfield Paranormal and Research Investigations

by Scott Miller
(Springfield, Mo, USA)

My daughter Stephanie designed this logo.

My daughter Stephanie designed this logo.

We are a small paranormal investigation group located in Springfield, Mo. I personally have been doing paranormal investigations for over 12 years now and I decided to form my own group 2 years ago. I have 10 people in the group and 6 of us are investigators. We have done around a dozen investigations as a group and I'm trying to get all of the summaries and evidence up on our site but it is a slow process for me as I take care of my father-in-law who has both Alzhiemers and Parkinson's diseases. So, I don't get a lot of time to work on the webpage.

We are dedicated to helping those having trouble or those who are tormented by the paranormal. We take not only a scientific approach, but also a personal approach. Being human is what makes a place haunted. We consider every aspect of a case, including personal experiences, when making a determination whether a place is haunted or not. We also believe that, by definition, the paranormal realm is a spiritual realm. We are spiritual beings and we believe that is the way God made us. We want to help. It is about as simple as that.

I grew up in a haunted house and was tormented for many years by something very dark. I was not believed by my parents at the time and I felt very alone. I thought I was losing my mind. I've been searching for answers to this mystery ever since.

I'm not going to give up on a case until our clients are satisfied and the issue(s) are resolved. Even then, we are just a phone call away. Every time we are called in to investigate a home, place, or a business, we, as a family, get bigger. All of us in the group absolutely love what we do.

I see us doing this for many years to come!

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Springfield Paranormal and Research Investigations

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Dec 10, 2010
View point
by: Anonymous

Great, I appreciat what you are doing, helping people have trouble, but you should learn them the scientific approach and your personal approach so they can help them selves when you will not be there as you said you look after your father in law.

I have experience such cases and I have seen many times those creators alone and withe friends,I'm not disturb any more because they created as we created and they have right to live them life but without over step if not we need your stratigy how you deal withe them.

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