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Spirit of Bodmin Prison

by Janette

I was visiting Bodmin Prison and was just about to leave when I saw part of the building that was not open to visitors. The door was open so I went in and saw empty prison cells. Just out of the blue I decided to take a photo of the empty cell. When I took the photo I didn't notice anything untoward - just an empty prison cell. When I got home that night I looked at the photos and noticed the two lights - one at the bottom of the photo and one at the top left hand corner- can anyone explain these?

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Spirit of Bodmin Prison

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Aug 25, 2011
Man Leaning on wall
by: Anonymous

A man leaning on the wall. Where the upper light is - head. Lower light feet. You can see the tendril making a curve from feet to head. Leaning against the wall right to left as it goes up. I hope you had EVP running.

As for the face in the cement on the wall. You can find those anywhere. The two women in the window I see as well, but that appears more a trick of the outdoor trees. Again, you can find those in your own back yard.

Jun 27, 2011
Something Shining
by: ritenext2u

They look like something someone or something. Would like flash. Do you think it could be something shining out of the window? :)

May 24, 2011
Ghosts like shiny
by: Anonymous

Try reflection of flash from a shiny metal object, perhaps glass or some mineral?

May 15, 2011
by: Kaitlin

My mother saw the face but it was in the brick on the right hand side if you look very closely. Then my sister could see a crying face. She tried to show us but I just couldn't see it?

Apr 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

Wow that is SCARYYYY

Jan 05, 2011
by: Ghost seeker

Wow cool pic i've experienced things myself but in the park i was playing with my little cousin and took a pic of her on my phone. i showed it to my friends and they kept asking who the women were in the background. i looked but there was only a mark like yours!

its a spirit

Dec 19, 2010
The two women
by: Anonymous

I can see the two women in the window so it's not just your daughter.

Dec 10, 2010
To LILLY & Anonymous
by: NaTaShA

What do you see
by: Anonymous

I was looking through these photos and was explaining to my daughter how I saw nothing in this picture. She looked and saw two women one on each side of the window dressed in colonial type clothing with the women on the right having dark hair. Still I see nothing so we showed the picture to two other people without telling them and they too saw the women. Does anyone else? We all saw the two lights and after reading the history of the jail I still don't see the women but this gave me chills.

Dear Anonymous,

Well, I didn't see the two women, but I did see the image of a face like going to cry. But there was only the head.

Spirits unleashed


It's a spirit that had died in the cell. Maybe the bodies were not cremated properly. Teardrops are a sign of misery and sorrow or maybe some things should be left alone.

--------------------------------------------------Dear LILLY,

Hey, you may be on to something 'cause I saw a face gonna cry! Cry=teardrops!

Nov 03, 2010
by: (:

If you look to the right of the window, there is a women standing there. She is not on standing on the ground but a inch off, and she is wearing a long skirt with white ruffles on the bottom and you can see her blouse its tucked in, and its a v-neck type thing. she doesnt have a head. If you look to hard you wont find it, you kind of have to set your eyes on the full picture in order to see it. But her sholder starts on the bottom right corner of the window. Hope you guys see it, reallllly creepy.

Sep 22, 2010
by: Anonymous

Well done a real good photo, it's good to see these lights intstead of the orbs.

Aug 08, 2010
Cool Dude
by: corpse

Yes it is... It is the dead alright......

Jun 09, 2010
Caught on photo
by: Lee

Hi all great site! Me and my wife went to visit Bodmin Jail on May25th for her birthday. While we didn't specifically see anything ghostly while there, my wife, who picks up on these things more than me, got some strange feelings, and when we got home and looked at our photos of the visit, one of them had a quite obvious ghost like face. When we showed it to a friend and well-known local psychic she also spotted what she thinks is a girl to the right of the picture. I'll try and upload it onto here.

We're going back on Thursday so gonna take lots more pictures! Can't wait.

Mar 21, 2010
I know what they are
by: spanish

They are orbs they somehow relate to spirits and let you know they exist.

Feb 16, 2010
by: Dj PsYcOsIS

There should have been holes in the roof...did you check?

Feb 02, 2010
What do you see
by: Anonymous

I was looking through these photos and was explaining to my daughter how i saw nothing in this picture. She looked and saw two women one on each side of the window dressed in colonial type clothing with the women on the right having dark hair. Still I see nothing so we showed the picture to two other people without telling them and they too saw the women. does anyone else? We all saw the two lights and after reading the history of the jailI still don't see the women but this gave me chills.

Aug 29, 2009
by: Tom White

These are simply reflections of the flash on the camera. The bottom one looks to be a metal reflection while the wall looks to be some kind of liquid.

Aug 16, 2009
by: Anonymous

some ghosts are known to apper as "orbs" and sometimes there can be something wrong with the camra

Aug 10, 2009
Could be...
by: ThomasSauce

Seems real...or like two white marker smudges.
It has the same effect, I've done it.

Jun 11, 2009
Prison Cell
by: Anonymous

Most likely a spirit (or possibly two) who at one time occupied that cell and is still there. By chance did you do any EVP work while there?

Apr 09, 2009
by: janette

Hi all. Thanks for all your comments. After reading Mark's comments I have now booked ghost haunt night at Bodmin Prison so maybe i'll soon have some more pics for you all

Feb 21, 2009
Spirit of Bodmin Prison
by: Mark Rablin

Hello thanks for posting the great photograph of one of the cells in the Navel Block at Bodmin Jail. The image captures the energy of one of our spirits, and as already noted in previous comments is rising up from the floor. before being converted to house naval prisoners this block was used as the female accommodation block of the jail. We work with many spirits in the jail and this block is one of our most active areas. We have been trying to get the original plans for the jail for some time now under the freedom of information act but the government will not release them to us, as Bodmin was a prototype for many prisons that are still in use.
We believe that there is more to explore under this block and that there are many souls located around the location, over the course of the jail's use 55 people met there end on the gallows and they are buried in the prison garden as they were not allowed to be placed in sacred ground, this does not take into account the many who met there end in the Medical block "through disease" the medical block was attached to the Navel Block by a wooden walkway right above where your photograph was taken.

Thanks again for the great photograph

Mark Rablin
(Resident Medium Bodmin Jail)

Dec 29, 2008
Sprits unleashed

It's a sprit that had died in the cell. Maybe the bodies were not cremated properly. Teardrops are a sign of misery and sorrow or maybe some things should be left alone

Dec 07, 2008
Would Like to Tell You

I would like to tell you but I have no ideas could be a spirit.

Dec 07, 2008
Great picture
by: Ed Brown

There's alot to be said about this pic. I see no signs of a hoaxe. Great pic and great comments from Brenda. She made a great observation about the tear drop shape going up.

Nov 25, 2008
by: harley harris

it's a spirit for sure.

Nov 22, 2008
Excellent Pic
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thank you so much for submitting this photo.

For more information on Bodmin Prison, click here.

What I like about this pic is that the "teardrops" are reversed. If they were otherwise, it would suggest something dropping from the ceiling. This phenomenon suggests something rising from the floor. That, and the brightness of what is presented does not indicate insects or dust to me.

My two cents. Any paranormalists out there who wish to comment on this?

For you who aren't aware of the paranormal phenom at Bodmin Prison, check out the vid above.

Thanks again for the pic!


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