halloween  |  ghost games


by Afeya E

Well this is a group picture of me and my friends from church. We had went to Atlanta Georgia for a youth confrence. In this picture we are still in the room where th preacher preached. During the message many people had demons released from them and the room seemed very heavy. I am assuming in this picture that there are a bunch of spirits left in the room, I just never expected to actually see them. The lights reflecting off everyone faces is also kind of weird.

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May 15, 2010
I see more then 10 ghosts!
by: Emmaline

Oh, wow! This is not fake! above the guy in the black hat, there is a face, more faces, lightish ghosts, blurs of people, orbs (not dust ones!) And way more, omg, this is one of the most haunted places i n the world, if not THE most haunted places in the world! And the faces.... They look so.... So..... So ghostly, and devily, and wow. Where the heck did you go? It's looks to me as a movie place. Oh wow. You could be famous for this!

Oct 06, 2009
another face
by: Just Jenny

Is it just me or is there another face you are missing. the guy in the back row with the black hat, right beside him that person, look above her...is that a face? this is a really creepy picture that gave me the creeps. but a really great pic.

Jan 08, 2009
by: LP

One more thing, I see a mans face in the top left hand corner, and what appears to be others, but im not sure. Faces can be seen in many things, These lights also look uniform however differnt in some ways.... The light in front of the guys face, and in front of the two girls says more that it want the camera moving the lights... if that is the case, than were are the lights that caused it to be blurry by a moving camera? no lights were present. again, could not be paranormal, even though I do lean towards it. But the camera moving theory is invalid. Try anouther explanation....

Jan 08, 2009
More than the eye can see
by: LP

This picture doesnt scream out 100 paranormal, however the lights effect... where they coming from, I hardly dought that guy had a big light over his face, and that is what got blurred, they are also in differnt directions and if you look, you can see them in the distance, even though the lights at the same depth are still near the middle. Its not just the lights, but the images around the photo. Could this be bogus, sure, but is those lights from a camera moving... NO.

Dec 29, 2008
More than 'just' lights!
by: Amberjack

Afeya, I think that those who say that these things are lights caused by camera movement apparently haven't noticed that getting the effect seen here would mean that the camera would have to be moving in different directions at the same time! And what are these 'lights' anyway? The brightest lights shown here are not lights that anyone is holding up, or reflections of something. I was intrigued enough to take the liberty of scrutinising this image in Photoshop, and it's bursting with inexplicable trails and loops of red and gray 'energy' which aren't really otherwise visible. Whatever they are, and for whatever reason they were present in that room, this is a photo that is full of unexplained phenomena, only some of which (the lights) are seen without enhancement. The version that I enhanced looks astonishing. A great photo!

Oct 13, 2008
don't get it twisted
by: Anonymous

That's not how the power of God works any preacher(man of God) operating under the anointing would free the people from their demons and they lounge around the room.....wrong!!!! The demons immediately gets cast back to the pitts of hell so what you took a picture of was probably trouble from the lights....

Mar 21, 2008
Camera Moving

This is what happens when I move my camera and the lights move with it.

Jan 15, 2008
Time Exposure
by: Anonymous

This is a classic time exposure with a flash.
the blurry, smearing effects are the time exposure and when the flash goes off, still and solid looking images. Sorry, it's not paranormal.

Dec 05, 2007
by: Anonymous

In the top right hand corner if you look carefully enough you can see a girl, she is kind of floating away from the scene, but you can see two pair of dark eyes and hair, (you can only see this if you in large the photo. So I will try and in large it. Now I did not notice the picture as weird until my friend who does a lot on ghost became frightens and said wow you have a lot of spirits in this shot.

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