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Residents Beware


A man had finally bought a house to live in, after a long time searching he was finally resting in a pleasant home in a nice town where an old friend resided. When he arrived that night to his house it was rather late, because it was a long drive from his old home. He got out of his car and opened up his trunk to pull out his bags.

He picked up the first two bags and opened the door to his new home. He headed up the stairs, which at the time were right in front of the door, and placed his bags on the top step, he then turned around and went back downstairs to get some more bags. When he came back into the house he noticed that the bags were on the bottom floor now. Having not slept for a few days because of excitement, and being very tired at the time, he just thought he left them down there on accident. He picked up all four bags and brought them upstairs to the top step.

He went back out to his car to get a box and when he came back inside all four bags were on the bottom floor again. Having known he put all four bags upstairs he set the box down to call an old friend who lived in the town, still thinking he may just be imagining since he was so tired. He turned around to look out the window and then he heard a scuff on the ground. He spun around to see what it was thinking an animal may have come in the open door. Seeing nothing he turned to look out the window once more, no answer from his friend. Another scuffing noise came from behind him. This time he noticed the box he had brought in was a good foot away from the stairs. He freaked out and got in his car to drive back home. Leaving his belongings and the door wide open.

The next morning the neighbor came outside and noticed the door open he walked over and called out to anyone who may be inside. Seeing the bags and the empty rooms he assumed someone was moving in but left in a hurry. "Must've been those damn bats" he said to no one. He picked up the bags and pushed the box outside to bring back to his house. Later that month the man returned for his belongings and told the man about the inccident.

Since then no one is exactly sure what happened or who it was, but someone didn't want him to live there. Someone now lives in this home and closes the blinds every night so no one can look in and nothing can look out.

This is said to be a true story, but you decide

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