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LEFT for ghostsandstories.com

New Animal

by Hayley
(Brisbane QLD Australia)

This is not really a ghost story but it was still strange. One day I went to a river near Brisbane Qld Australia. It is a lovely quiet river. I brought a picnic lunch and I sat down on the edge of the river and started eating a chicken sandwich. There was a big splash in the river and an animal head stuck out of the water and looked at my sandwich!

I grabbed everything and ran up the hill. Then I looked down at the river and I saw nothing. I started eating again. About three minutes later, this baby cow went down to the river for a drink. I watched as it drank and then that animal's head came out of the water and grabbed the cow by the neck. I watched in horror as the cow kicked around. Then it kicked itself out of the mouth and ran away as fast as it could. I knew I had to leave so I grabbed all my stuff and ran to my car. I didn't finish my sandwich so I threw it on the edge of the river.

Then I heard that loud splash again. I looked at the river and that animal crawled out of the water to eat my sandwich. Then I saw its legs and I just stared at it. It was like a dream! It was about 3 meters long and it had about 52 legs! I watched as it ate my food. Then it looked at me and it started running up to me! Its mouth was open and it had heaps of sharp teeth. I ran as fast as I could and I hit my head on the car. The animal got a fright when it heard the bang and it ran back into the water. I quickly got into my car and drove away. No way anyone is going to make me go back to that place!!!

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