My Sister's 13th Birthday
by Alexandra D
(Quezon City, Philippines)
We were all there, my nieces and my nephews. There's an abandoned house at the corner of our village. They say it's haunted. We didn't believe the guy who told us, so my nephew challenged us to go there. For proof, my sister (the celebrant) took our video cam with her and our neighbor had the flashlight. He was in front. All of us were already scared when we were almost there. When we were there we could see it really was abandoned and there was a grave.
It was wide open, not covered yet. Our neighbor pointed the flashlight on one of those and my sister videoed it. When we were at the front gate we could see no one there and my sister kept on filming. Then suddenly the door opened on its own!
We all ran back and watched the video on TV. we could hear it but most of it we couldn't see. Then when it was almost ending we heard a strange and weird sound.
We all screamed and we are so frightend! My sister deleted it because it was her first time to be scared like that.
We never came went to that house again.

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