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My Mom In Mirror

by Pam Talley
(Louisa, Virginia)

On July 26th, 2008 my Mom was dying from stage four congestive heart failure. I was standing at the foot of her hospital bed when she looked over me into a mirror and said "Who are those people?"

I said, "What people?" as I turned to look.

She said, "There are two women and one man."

I said, "What are they doing?" and she said "They are talking."

I told her it was her guardian angels there to watch over her. The phone rang and she told my aunt that she had seen her angels and that they were there for her and that she was ready. After she passed August 6th, 2008, I cleaned her house out and took that mirror and hung it beside my bed. Around Sept 5th I'd say, I took a picture of that mirror and my Momma's side view showed up in the mirror.

I believe that her Angels did come and that my Mom sent this to me as a sign that she is okay. It has been comforting for me to have had this picture because it tells me that she really is an Angel and that she is watching over me. She had died seven times in 1991 and saw the light but returned home to me. This time she had to die twice for her pacemaker kicked her back to life after she was dead for five minutes. Please let me know what you think of the picture.

All comments are welcome.

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My Mom In Mirror

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Jun 19, 2011
Mom's time
by: Anonymous


My mom is dying right now of CHF. The nurses said she looked up and was talking to someone. They thought it might be her mother. We just don't know but someday it will be our turn. All I can't tell you is it's very very painful to watch our loved ones suffer and we can't only hope that there are angels standing over them during this painful passing from one side to the other.

God bless you. I know it was the hardest time in your life. Hope you are coping with it much better now. Keep me in your prayers. It's not over for us yet!

God bless.


Jun 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

Ummmmmmmmmm that just looks really dirty. Sorry for your loss.

Apr 27, 2011
by: Nandu India

I don't see any faces or other diffrent images on the mirror. From this its clear that you loved your mom a lot.

Mar 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

I think I see it but I kinda just woke up and my eyes are fuzzy. But I think I saw it.


Oct 07, 2010
by: natalie

Umm yeah I think your mirror looks kinda dirty

Jun 01, 2009
by: David

I think your mirror is just a little dirty. Try using some Windex.

May 31, 2009
your mom
by: vera

i really don't see a face but if it gives u comfort than that is good i am a mom and if i can i will let my children know that i am ok too

May 30, 2009
Thank you
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi Pam

Thank you for the picture although I am very sorry for your loss.

I took the liberty of enlarging your photo to make the questionable area more noticeable. I will leave it up to our visitors to comment.

Thank care!


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