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My Ghost Story.

by Stephanie Breland
(Manhattan, KS, USA)

The ghost of Witches and Warlocks

The ghost of Witches and Warlocks

I'm a sixteen year old girl in Manhattan, KS.

About a year ago, in 2006, I went with my mother, my neighbor and her daughter on Friday the 13th to this place dubbed Witches and Warlocks. I don't really know the story behind it, but we decided to go check it out.

We drove a while to the supposed haunted graveyard. I only had my digital camera with me. The picture I am going to share is one that I randomly shot near the trees, not near anything that could cause a glare.

The picture hasn't been edited at all, only blown up to the scariest orb face I've ever seen in my life.

We took many other pictures, but I demanded to my mother after she printed them off of the computer for her to instantly burn them when I heard voices in my head telling me they would never leave me alone if I didn't.

This was the scariest thing to ever happen to me, and I'll NEVER go back.

I have one picture left, and that was because I e-mailed it to my girlfriend and she kept it.
When my mom wanted to see some of the pictures, I had remembered that I sent it to her and she showed it to me. I kept it ever since as a reminder to never go back to that place ever again.

But now I would like to share it with you. Good luck finding more ghost stories.