Midnight Fright

by Sara Turner
(Poway, CA, USA)

11:00 pm Day 1

It's just before midnight and I am talking to my friend that lives far, far away. It was another normal night, I call him a lot but this night was different. It was quiet. I usually have my son but he was camping with his father in Borrego Springs.

11:24 pm Day 1

I just hung up with my friend and was getting ready to go to sleep. It was almost midnight and I was really tired. I was turning off the TV when suddenly I heard something. It was coming from behind me. I turned around. I didn't want to but I did. Behind me were the blinds to the back door. They were moving back and fourth. I thought it was just the wind but it wasn't. I knew this because I had closed and locked all the doors and windows.

11:30 pm Day 1

I was so freaking out. The blinds were moving back and fourth. I didn't know what to do. I was tired and trembling so without a doubt, I stopped them from moving, ran into my room and closed the door shut. But it was just getting started.

2:15 am Day 2

I was awoken by a noise and I wasn't sure what it was. I opened my eyes and I saw it. I thought it was my son but it wasn't. I remembered that he was camping. I opened my eyes even more and I saw it, the scariest thing I have ever seen. All of a sudden all the electronics went off. The TV, stereo, and everything else. I freaked out. And from this day I still see the same person every night. I just seem to ignore it because it hasn't harmed me or my family.

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Midnight Fright

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Sep 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

look..it's a good thing you're ignoring it but you should just move away from it and if it follows you that's when something will acually be wrong.

Jan 09, 2009
Ignoring It
by: Anonymous

Good for you for ignoring it. It's probably an imprint (an event that was especially emotional that plays over and over again forever). Most people would be too afraid to ignore it. What is it about child ghosts that's so scary?

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