Marret Rd. Ghost
by Donald Sack
(Felicity, Ohio U.S.A.)
Woman in the w\Window
This is a picture of a trailer at the end of a very long gravel road. Marret Rd. is a ghost town and is said to have devil worship - human and animal sacrifices. My friend and I went there during the day to scope out the scene. We found a deer with no head and burn marks on the ground with burnt fur in it. The burn marks were all over the place like they must have burned a few animals.
We were taking pictures all over the road and in the woods. This trailer is at the end of the road so that is were we turned around. We were watching the trailer to see if anyone was going to come out and yell at us. There wasn't anyone in the window at least not visible to our eyes. We came back to my home and loaded the pics on my computer and found this woman was watching us. Notice she looks gray. In the full picture everything else is colorful. This no Photoshop bullcrap either.
We look for what is really out there among us. The only thing I did to this picture was crop it and resize it so I could up load it.