Maeda Point, Okinawa

by Jared
(Okinawa, Japan)

In World War II the Japanese held the Island of Okinawa until the American invasion of 1945. The Japanese knew they were losing the fight so they began having the inhabitants commit suicide by throwing themselves off cliffs like Maeda Point so the Americans could not capture them. Some times Americans who go there feel like they're getting pushed by some invisible force towards the cliffside.

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Maeda Point, Okinawa

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Aug 18, 2009
It's called wind...
by: Anonymous

nobody threw themselves off of Maeda point, all you would do is sustain injury. you're thinking about suicide cliffs down south. To the left of Maeda point is one of the more fortified areas of pillboxes used as gun emplacements during the war. The idea that civilians would have ventured even close to that is idiotic

Jan 08, 2009
Thank You
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thank you, Jared, for your contribution. We've had quite a few reports/stories coming from Okinawa. Sounds like very haunted place.

Thanks again!


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