Knock Three Times

by Melanie

The Ridgeway Trail (now a bike trail)

The Ridgeway Trail (now a bike trail)

When I was very young, i.e. in kindergarten or first grade, our entire class was obsessed with the supernatural.

Ghosts, spirits, mysterious orbs... we all claimed to see them. Our school was in the small town of Lone Rock, Wisconsin, and we always believed that the small pine-tree woods was haunted somehow. That's how I became to research the legendary "Ridgeway Ghost," who was supposed to haunt the old stagecoach trails around the area, mainly the Ridgeway Trail, which stretched through Ridgeway and Dodgeville, perhaps more.

He was a trickster, the internet sites and books claimed. He could change shapes and things like that. I was fascinated because across the field by our house was part of an old stagecoach trail.
When we moved there, we discovered it and we walked on it regularly.

The first time I imagined that it could possibly be a remnant of the Ridgeway Trail, I insisted that we go on a walk. When we got back and we were in the yard, I REALLY wanted to see the Ridgeway Ghost. So I shouted, "Ridgeway Ghost! If you can hear me, please... make something happen to show me that you are real. Knock three times, or make the wind blow, or something... Just show me!"

Nothing happened.

A half-hour later, we were all relaxing inside; watching TV, reading, and such. That's when I heard it.

"Did someone knock?" I asked. They all said they hadn't heard anything.

But I knew what I had heard.

Three knocks.

On the door.

Just like I'd hoped.

I ran to the front door and opened it wide. I walked around the house and on the deck, but nobody was there.

I definitely believe in the Ridgeway Ghost now.

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Knock Three Times

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Apr 21, 2010
I Saw Him
by: Anonymous

In late 1981 my wife and I were in the process of adopting our daughter, who was born in Nevada. We had to travel from our home in Lancaster to Madison to pick up the baby and her birth mother. On the way back, it was cold and spitting snow on highway 151. Just near Ridgeway a man in ragged shirt and pants jumped out in front of my car, ran waving his hands before me, and passed into the darkness on the left side of the car. I said to my wife "did you see that lunatic!" Unfortunately, she was so busy holding the baby and admiring her, that she saw nothing. No human being would have been out on such a cold and windy night dressed like that.

Sep 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

Did it REALLY happen????

Mar 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

A ghost knocking? or An animal? The latter seems to be more likely.

Feb 25, 2009
by: Anonymous

That is so cool I definatley give you 5 stars for this true story.

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