Jacksonville, Florida - Ghost Light Road
by Amy
(Jacksonville, Florida, USA)
On the outskirts of Jacksonville there is a town called “Switzerland” and this is where you find what is known as “Ghost Light Road”. My boyfriend told me that he had been there a few times as a teen and what supposedly was to happen is that a guy on a motorcycle died drag-racing back in the 50’s or 60’s and what you do is drive down the road, park your car and watch your rearview mirror for a single headlight (his motorcycle) then as it gets closer it disappears then you look straight ahead and see the taillight as it speeds away.

My boyfriend hadn’t been there for years the night we decided to go together and even though the town is a very small one and it took about an hour to get there, he drove right to it. Well, we waited and waited but nothing seemed to happen so we drove all the way home. Once we got home we both felt that something would happen if we went back so we got right back in the car and drove the hour back to the road. This time it felt completely different and didn’t quite look the same as I recalled.
We drove down the road slowly, past the school and the one dirt road that goes off it, and I mentioned to Steven that it was such a clear night, I bet we could see every single star, and right then out of the completely clear sky what seemed like a lightening bolt struck. But it was silent and I looked over and said, oh my gawd, I bet I could point right to where that thing struck and so I pointed and Steve goes, oh my gawd Amy there it is.
Right where I was pointing was a red tail light and we became very excited to actually see it and we began to speed up to catch up to it. Well, the road was winding this way and that and I became aware that I could “feel” the ghost and looked over at a lake right beside the road and just immediately knew to turn around. So I told Steven to stop the car right there and turn us around, he seemed kinda dazed and goes, “Oh, yeah. OK Amy. “
So we did a 3-point turn in the middle of the dirt road and there was just enough light for me to see the imprint of our tire marks in the dirt and we began heading back. Almost instantly the absolute BRIGHTEST single white light appeared in all the rear view mirrors and we were overwhelmed with the most terrifying reality that we were being followed and it was gaining on us. I looked at Steven and nervously said Geez, don’t you wish we brought someone else along, and right then the lighter FLEW out of the front console and landed between us, I picked it up and said, it’s not even hot Steven. (That lighter normally had to be YANKED free from the console to use.)
We both looked at the speedometer and Steven said, "We’re haulin’ oats, Amy!" We were going 80 miles per hour and the light was still gaining on us. We were terrified and felt an absolute evil all around us, and we both wanted to talk about it but later admitted we were too scared at that moment to do anything but focus on getting the heck out of there. Well, it took a good 15 minutes of driving 80mph down that dirt road before we finally got to the paved part at which point the light disappeared. It was no longer visual but the feeling that it was right there with us didn’t end until the next day.
We speed all the way out to the main road. Heading back to Orange Park, we crossed the Buchman Bridge at which point I yelled to Steven, "Do you hear that??" and he yelled back "Yea, what is that??" and I yelled "I Dunno" and tried looking in the sky, as what we heard very plainly was about 50 airplanes all at once, and I remember specifically saying it sounded like a war was going on, but there was not a single thing in the sky but stars.
Well, back in Orange Park we went to bed, it was about 5:30 am at this time, Steven and I calculated we were missing about 45 minutes of time and a quarter tank of gas. But I wouldn’t let this experience rest and the next morning I INSISTED we return to Ghost Light Road. Steven didn’t want to but agreed. We went down the road again and this time we traveled about 5 miles per hour, checking everything out. About 3 minutes down the road, I saw the dirt marks where we 3-point turned out of there the night before and I said, WHAT? That can’t be right Steven, there was a lake right there, I remember seeing it when we turned around, and he said I was right, but when we looked over all there was was a 3-foot wide ditch.
After about 5 minutes, we reached the road’s end, which outletted to a paved road. We were VERY CONFUSED because the night before, the road was very long and winding, but the next day it was straight and only about 5 minutes long going about 5-10 miles an hour. The previous night it took 15 minutes doing 80mph to get off it. Well, we returned home bewildered. About 3 weeks later, we told friends about our crazy experience, and this one girl goes, "WOW you heard the planes," and I freaked out and said, yea, and she said her friend had done a college paper on the place and very, very few people ever heard the planes.
She said the place was an emergency landing strip for airplanes during a WW and after it was abandoned, they used to drag race on it and the place has always been haunted for most of the century. All I know is that it radiates the most awful evil feeling and if you visit it yourself, you should use caution and try to keep from being tranced out.
Another important thing: about 3 months later I awoke at 3 am crying and had a bad dream about the road. I looked over and Steve was already awake and he asked if I wanted to talk about it and I said “No,” and he said, “I just had a dream about Ghost Light Road,” and I said, “Oh My Gawd, I did too!” As it turns out, his dream was he and I going to the road, and my dream was us already there. He had the first part to the dream and couldn’t remember the rest, I had the second part of the dream but couldn’t remember the first. And all this happened at 3am. The PRECISE time we had the weird experience that one night when we were there, and then, for seemingly no reason at all, right then in the middle of the night we could hear motorcycles racing all around the neighborhood.