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Jackie the Queen Mary talking ghost child

by Bob Davis
(Irvine, CA.)

This is a clip of some audio Bob Davis and Brian Clune of Planet Paranormal Investigations captured of Jackie the talking ghost child who inhabits the Queen Mary's 1st class swimming pool. This audio lasted 17 minutes. Presented here are highlights of the seventeen minute clip. This is a conversation between Bob and the disembodied spirit of a little girl. This was audible not an evp. A sound clip of the late Peter James talking to Jackie is also included for comparison.

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Jackie the Queen Mary talking ghost child

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Aug 27, 2011
The Queen Mary Now welcomes Paranormal Research
by: Planet Paranormal Bob

Planet Paranormal and the paranormal community reach agreement with Hotel Queen Mary

Today Planet Paranormal and the paranormal community reached an agreement with the Hotel Queen Mary. The agreement is for serious paranormal researchers to be allowed to conduct paranormal research on this historic ship.

This has been a long time coming and we are thrilled and extremely grateful that ship's management has a new policy in place that grants us such a privilege.

We are also grateful to those people who aided and supported our efforts to gain access to the ship. Some wish to remain nameless but your love and support will not be forgotten. I also wish to thank all the people in the paranormal community who took time to sign the petition and write letters of support, as well as, support all our efforts for projects relating to the ship.

In the coming days Planet Paranormal is going to put up a new website for all the evidence gathered from the investigations all the teams will be conducting on the ship, as well as all things Queen Mary. The site will be at: http://www.QueenMaryShadows.com
so please keep checking for our launch date.
If you have evidence, stories, books about the ship, etc and wish to contribute please send submissions to PlanetParanormal @ earthlink . net with a note that is is ok to use on the site and or in future book about the Queen Mary.

Above all thanks to Peter James for the fire you lit inside me all these years. Now we can continue your work.

Have fun everyone and remember, always follow procedures and respect the ship, her crew and her spirits.

Bob Davis and the Planet Paranormal Team

Aug 06, 2011
I believe I caught Jackie in 2008
by: Christopher

My wife and I were on the haunted tour. I have always felt a very strong attraction to Jackie. I can't explain it. So that year I took the tour again as I have several times and each time I go to the pool area.

I feel a strong emotional tug to look around and listen. As a parent I always feel a sense of longing to listen. So in 2008 I was on the tour and privately asked the tour guide if I could stay in the pool area alone. I lucked out he said yes. I felt a bit silly but felt a huge urge to talk to Jackie. I told her verbally I meant not to make her feel uncomfortable. But i cared about her feelings and wanted to let her know she is loved. I then felt a strong urge to ask if she wanted her picture taken. I said if you want people to know your real and want to be in a picture. I would take a picture of the pool and when I was going to take the picture. Not believing I would get anything. I counted out loud and said picture. When we got home I was shocked to have a picture of a little girl floating 20 or so feet above the pool.

I still am shocked every time I look at the picture. I still to this day feel a strong emotional pull to the Queen Mary that i personally can't explain. I still have this picture. But would like to have it examined by a professional.

May 25, 2011
She Should Be Left Alone!
by: Elizabeth

If she is indeed real. It seems to me that ghost hunters are using her for their own selfish gain and tormenting her. Making a mockery out of a dead child is just pathetic.

Feb 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

I personally had a hard time hearing the voice in the second recording but who's to say it's not the same is there a web sight I can go to that might have a clearer recording

Nov 05, 2010
New Queen Mary Site
by: Anonymous

Hey I just wanted to add this link to a new site for Queen Mary Ghosts. It's called Queen Mary Shadows and there is lot's of evidence up on the site.


Sep 15, 2010
Many Have tried
by: Bob Davis

Many, Many investigators including the later Peter James have tried to cross Jackie over. I myself have attempted to cross her many times.

I think Jackie has a reason she stays here and it is just not her time to cross. I don't think she is unhappy because she can be heard playing hide and seek and singing.

It used to bother me but after spending many years with her I have come to accept that she has a reason for staying and I have accepted that.

One thing is for sure. She helps the ship survive and maybe that is her purpose?


Aug 27, 2010
Simply Out Of This World!
by: Hilda

This is truly amazing footage and recording. But tell me something, why hasn't anyone tried to pass this poor soul of a child over to the other side so she can reunite with her mother. This would be so consoling to know that Jackie is finally put to rest.

Jun 13, 2010
Thanks guys
by: Bob Davis

I really appreciate the wonderful comments. No Jackie is not a myth. I have spent many years researching her and spending time with her and she is real. If you get a chance to go to the Queen Mary don't pass up the opportunity to do so. I am working to get the ship opened up for all investigators and I hope that will soon be a reality.

For the video clip of this event you can go to my youtube and see it.


Jun 13, 2010
my comment
by: steven depaul

WOW this is some great evidence on how she exists people tell me shes just a myth but now i know shes real.

Jun 13, 2010
my comment
by: steven depaul

WOW this is some great evidence on how she exists people tell me shes just a myth but now i know shes real.Im just a kid that really wants to become a paranormal investegator because of what ive experienced in the past, ive caught evps also but none like that.

Jun 07, 2010
by: Evan

WOW the team at the P.I.S. and I have heard some pretty AWESOME EVPS and even once an audible voice but nothing like this. The girl is clearly screaming NO! It'ss absolutely astonishing. I wish I could have picked something like that up. Geez I'll have to head there some day.

Feb 03, 2010
not the same
by: Anonymous

teh first one is higher and the seckned one is lower or older.

Nov 20, 2009
Preliminary results
by: Anonymous

We are having forensic voice printing done on the voice and preliminary results show a match 0f 8.6 and 8.9. A match of 6.5 is all that is needed to convict in a court of law. You can hear about these results on Nightwatch radio with Todd Sheets when he revealed the results during the episode with Bob Davis and scary guy.

Nov 20, 2009
Ghost child comment
by: Anonymous

That was amazing,I really wish I could experience somthing like that myself......and In my opinion,the voices sounded different,but then maybe theres more than one spirit wanting to be heard.

Nov 09, 2009
Jackie the Queen Mary ghost child (not the same voice)
by: Anonymous

I don't think that they are the same voice. I am a mother and as a mother you can hear things in your childrens voices as well as other children and I can say that they don't sound the same to me. The second voice sounds older.

Oct 29, 2009
by: Brenda - Webmaster

That's very interesting Bob. Thanks for sending that in!


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