Is My House Haunted?

by Emma Louise Bates
(United Kingdom)

There is also an orb under the window

There is also an orb under the window


I was taking some pictures of my bedroom as I am hoping to move and wanted them to show an interested party. I took one during daylight and then waited until night to see if anything else appeared. All pictures of every other room are normal apart from my bedroom.

What do you think?

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Is My House Haunted?

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Oct 17, 2010
by: Jenny luv Bieber x

BOO... Not the most clear ghost, but still quite strange.

Oct 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

It's the light that the window is showing, duh. The window is directly in front of it, sorry....

Sep 19, 2010
by: BOB

Its just a camera flare

Sep 15, 2010
by: Girl ghost lover

I think it was just the light playing tricks on you take a picture at nigh with the flash on a camra and see if something shows up but zoom in on the picture and see if you see any thing wieard at all.

Aug 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

It just looks like a plain orb with a circle around it

Feb 09, 2010
by: ghost girl

To me it looks as if there is a ghost but as I looked closer I saw that it looked more like a trick of light then a ghost.

Oct 30, 2009
by: emma bates

i have recently had a psychic medium do an investigation on my house and she confirmed that yes my house is indeed haunted! i know who it is that is haunting me and i am now no longer scared lol xx

Oct 25, 2009
Are you kidding me?
by: weiner skin

yes this a haunted house, because when I looked at it I said "what the heck, I'm getting out of here" and to this day I still won't go in that house. Would you?!!

Oct 20, 2009
by: J,Woolford

Well, i think that you should look up the history of your house, or maybe its just an interference in the not sure

Oct 15, 2009
The ghost
by: madison smith

i did the same thing and then the ghost in my room frightens me every night. i didnt belive in ghosts until that night when the ghost walked across my room

Oct 10, 2009
Strange goings on
by: emma louise bates

I have taken some more pictures on different days and in different conditions (night time to eliminate the possibility of day time glare)and have got more 'orbs' and the mist over the bed. I have been experiencing noises recently (the past month) of someone or something walking up and down my hallway, my bedroom door banging when there are no windows open to create a draft and my shower curtain falling down. I have also got a strange evp. I was singing and tried to record it on my laptop. about halfway through the recording there is a dog bark (i do NOT have a dog and no one round me does either!) could it be a dog ghost????

Sep 30, 2009
Probable Glare
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi there

Thanks for sending us your picture. You know, it is impossible to answer your question from a photograph alone. There are so many other factors involved in proving/disproving a haunting and photographic evidence alone is a very poor.

Things can be taken out of context, objects in the room can be inadvertently forgotten or even concealed.

In this case, I believe what you've picked up is glare from other objects in the room. The orb is more than likely pixelation or dust.

If you're still living there, you can try to catch some EVP with a digital voice recorder and see if you pick anything up. More than likely, you're safe, though.

That's what I think anyway.

Hope this helps.


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