House On The Corner
by Ruby Red
(Fremont CA)
The house had seven bedrooms, a huge porch that went all the way around the house, front to back. It stood on the corner of Second St and School Place. I know this about the house because I have been there in my dreams or maybe I should say my nightmares.
The first time I saw the house I was walking with my dog. We came to the street where the house stood in all its glory. I thought to myself, "Wow that's the house in my dreams." I wanted desperately to go in and look around. It's as if the house was somehow calling me to come to it.
The windows were so big and inviting, like the eyes to the soul, if a house has a soul, maybe it dose. Is that even possible?
That night I dreamed of the big house on the corner with the big windows and the wrap around porch. As I entered the house in my dream I felt like I belonged there. It's as if I knew every nook, every room, every secret. When I awoke I felt a bit confused I could not really focus on anything other than the house on the corner.
The following day I approached the house and then got my nerve up to knock on the front door. It took a long while and as I was turning to walk away the door opened. There standing in the doorway was a small child with very sad eyes, it was a small girl about eight years old. I smiled and said, "Hello, is your mom or dad home?" She looked at me and shook her head no.
Well, I thought, that's strange for the child to be left alone. But then maybe there was a sitter with her whom she had not mentioned.
"My name is Ruby and I wanted to talk to your parents about your house."
"I have no parents, I live here with Rabbit, my guardian. She is in the back yard, would you like me to get her for you?"
"Yes thank you." The little girl turned and walked away.
I waited and waited, it seemed at least a half an hour went by, no one came so I walked around to the back. I saw nothing at all. No girl, no Rabbit, just weeds, a broken fence and a dead garden. Everything looked abandoned, dead. I then went back to the front door and knocked but nothing. No one came.
I left and decided to go to the library to do some research on the house on the corner. After a little while of researching the house I found out that the house on the corner has been vacant for over three years. The family that lived there all died in a terrible murder suicide from the oldest child, a boy that went off the deep end.
I must say I was so freaked out I started to shake and turned as white as a sheet. The man sitting down from me at the same table asked if I was okay. I looked at him and said, "No, I'm not!"
I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES. I now avoid the house on the corner at all cost, because every time I went by, I felt the house calling out to me. Then I would see the little girl in the eyes of the house just staring at me through the window.
Desirable Death-stinations: