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Hollywood Ghosts

by Jon
(Los Angeles, California USA)

Let me tell you some stories about Hollywood Ghosts.

ROOSEVELT HOTEL: Actress Marilyn Monroe is
Said to have stood inside the window where some people see her. This takes place inside what used to be her hotel room.

Actor Montgomery Clift is said to haunt the ninth floor where he paces up and down the hallways of the hotel. He also haunts his hotel room 926 is said to have activity. One day a maid was cleaning the room when she was knocked in the closet and locked in. One night a young couple was staying in the room. The woman was reading her book and was touched by a soft hand. She thought it was her husband, yet found him asleep.

They called in a paranormal investigator one night and the ghost of Montgomery Clift was in his chair talking with the man for 30 minutes. People also claim to have seen the spirit of an actor inside the hotel's parking lot.

Another report is that of the ghost of a young girl in the hotel lobby. One day, one of the security guards had picked up the phone when he saw the little girl thinking she was lost. He went down there and checked and he and the other security guard said, "Have you seen a little girl in the lobby?" The other one said, "No, are you drunk?!"

GRAUMAN'S CHINESE THEATRE: The ghost of a little girl is said to have been seen taking down the curtains in the backstage studios.

UNIVERSAL STUDIOS: The ghost of Lon Chaney, Sr. is said to have walked the catwalks above and sometimes starts running when the security guard laughs at him and the costume he wore for his starring role in the 1920's film The Phantom of the Opera.

PARAMOUNT STUDIOS: There have been a number of eyewitnesses of ghost of actors and actresses walking from their graves to inside the studios. One day, a security caught a man who used to work for the studios in 1920. When he stopped him, the man walked through him and to the wall. Before the man walked through he said, "I do not like your attitude and walked through.

HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY: There have been eyewitness accounts of strange phenomena and paranormal activity inside the cemetery. Near the Lemon Grove Gate lots of famous ghosts are seen in the night. One night the security man saw a man dressed in 1930 clothing walking down the street. When he followed he though he had him cornered until the man walked through the wall. Inside the cemetery sitting near the grave of Rudolph Valentino is a lady in black. The lady places fresh flowers on the grave every week.

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