Henry's Hill, Mount Hope Ala.

by Lizzie A
(Mount Hope, Alabama, USA)

Whenever you are able to go to Henry's Hill, legend goes if you put your car in neutral there is a saying that he will push you over the hill in your car. Story goes when he was riding his bike he stopped on the hill and got pinned by a car to a tree, so every time you stop on the road he will push you so the ill-fated accident that led him to his death doesn't happen to you!

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Henry's Hill, Mount Hope Ala.

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Oct 05, 2010
You almost have the story right...
by: Anonymous

He did get hit by a car but not the same way you explained. He was driving on the road when his car broke down in the dip. After a few moments he decided he needed to get his car off the road. He started to push it up when a car came down the highway speeding and hit him. So every time your stop your car in the dip and put it in nutral he will push it up the hill for you so you dont meat the same fate as he did....
What a nice man :)

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